Monday 5 October 2015

Interview with a student of MSLU

Last weekend I interviewed  a student of Moscow State Linguistic University, Department of Oriental Languages. Her specialty is a military translator. The military translator is a very difficult profession. The mention of it in daily life is very rare, but in time of war, these people are worth their weight in gold.

Why did you choose this university and what do you expect after graduation?

So, I am studying at the Department of Oriental Languages and it's worth saying that I really want to link my life with the Middle East region and I was looking for the university that would fit my demands. I am fond of learning languages because with the language you learn about the culture of the country ,the region and the religion of people. I want a profession that would allow me to work in those countries which tourists won't visit. After graduation I'm going to work in international organizations such as International Committee of the Red Cross . The main target of ICRC is to protect victims of international and internal armed conflicts.

I know that you are very keen on the Middle East, almost addicted to it. But what are the main reasons for you to learn this cardinal point ? What attracts you the most ?

The East is totally different from the culture I grew up in. It attracts and frightens at the same time. There's no certain system there. The East is different from the rest of the world . There're  no friends and you can only rely on yourself !

What about the fact that the women's rights in the East are quite limited and ,in general, attitude to a women leaves much to be desired. Do they take it for granted or not ? What is your personal opinion on this matter ?

Of course ,such behavior is not typical for the Europeans. We strongly believe that the Oriental women are oppressed and we all need to fight for their rights but did we ask them about whether they need it or not? The customs of their old culture are laid by the centuries. You will never understand the East with the European mind ,you just need to take it as it is !

Have you already  tried to use oriental languages in real-life situations ? Have you been in any eastern countries ?

In March 2015 I went to Iran.

How it was?

It was an interesting experience because Iran is not considered to be the best country for tourism: the executions are carried on the squares, propaganda is everywhere, the authorities support a strict regime by security forces ,there is no free access to the Internet , the flags of the United States are burned in the streets.

Sounds eerily! Would you like to work in Iran?

No, although it was a nice experience, I did not like the country in general.

I know you like difficulties and you are looking for the danger judging by your future profession. So, why does not Iran suit you ?

People seem to be very patriotic there , but this is not true.

Well. Where are people devoted to their country and where would you like to work?

I would like to work in Afghanistan. It's a great country with strong and brave people, who are always ready to defend their Motherland.

Afghanistan is a hot spot. Aren’t you afraid of overestimating your abilities? It can be a daunting experience for a woman.

That's what attracts. I want to be in a place where a history is happening.
I want to be involved in this, I want to help people.

Don’t you think that this work is for a man? Why do you want to feel a constant tension?

I want to feel alive. I want to work at war , helping people., at the same time knowing that the peace is  where my family and friends are and I have a place  to go back to . 


  1. I've just read an interview. It is about the military translator. The questions are interesting and are presented in a logical way, but there is no question with "when". The language is understandable and easy to read. My peace of advice is not to ask two questions at once. I'm glad that I've read this interview and got some information about the Middle East.

  2. Your interview makes me to think, it is great that there are students like she, who clearly understands what she wants out of life and does everything to achieve her goals. This interview is rather interesting to read.I liked the way you create questions and i wouldn't add anything. Great job!
