Wednesday 7 October 2015

I answered the questions to English teacher, Melnikov Vladimir Yuri’vich, who has told me about positive and negative sides of his work.

Q: Vladimir Yuri’vich, I’m glad to see you again and thanks for you agreed to answer my questions.

A: No problem! I am glad to see you too.

Q: Can you tell me about yourself and your profession?

A: I have been working as English teacher for 10 years. It was my favourite subject at school and I learn it hard. I always wanted to be English teacher and that’s why I graduated TSPU.

Q: Why does you profession attract you?

A: Firstly I like to communicate with pupils of different age. It helps me to broaden my mind and understand view of life of children. Secondly, the process of education always develops, it always appears something new and interesting, that’s why this work captivates me.

Q: What is the most difficult in your profession?

A: The most difficult for me is to find common ground with children. If it’s no contact with pupil, the teaching is difficult. The pupil doesn’t conceive the new material, and all the attempts to get knowledge is ineffective.

Q: Are you glad, that you chose this profession many years ago?

A: I don’t regret about it and I can’t imagine any other work for me. This profession helped me in many situations in my life and developed positive qualities.

Q: Whom can you recommend your profession?

A: Now it’s becoming more difficult to work with children, because they are becoming more disobedient. A teacher was respectful among children earlier, but now  disrespect takes place in many situations. That’s why today teacher must have determined character.

Q: What qualities does this profession develop in you?

A: I think it is tolerance, you begin to attitude to all more calmer, the skills of communicate develops too. The shyness is extirpated.

Q: What can make your profession better?

A: More modern equipage of  cabinets. It will help to improve the process of teaching. Now there is a tendency- one computer for one pupil. They say, that this way will make the process of education better.

Q: Thanks, Vladimir Yuri’vich for this interview!

A: You’re welcome!

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