Tuesday 20 October 2015

Citizens of Alexin supply the region with oxygen

  Alexin activists planted about 50 birch trees during the action «Oxygen for Cities». This campaign is a part of the program «People’s Budget – 2015».
The square near public school №2

  The birch alley decorated the microdistrict «Shahtersky», in the square near public school №2. The place was not chosen by chance. Although this is the city center, the area was desolate and weeds had grown there for several years.
  The city administration organized the work on the breakdown of the alley. Specialists of the Savvateev nursery and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Tula region financially supported the event. A Car Service of the city allocated a lorry with a tank for watering the seedlings.

  Volunteers cleared the playground of litter, moved grass and landscaped the square. Pupils, teachers and administration of school №2 also took an active part in the planting of truly symbolic Russian trees.

Most participants supported the idea of greening the city.
«It should have been done many years ago, but I am glad we have finally made it. It looks great. I also like that my pupils took part in this action», said Svalnova Irina Nikolaevna, the head of school №2.

  The governor of Tula region Vladimir Gruzdev gave the start of this campaign on Sept. 12 in Tula. Then the action moved to other districts.

  Valery Sherin, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Tula region in his speech emphasized that in total, within this action they are planning to plant 2000 seedlings.

  The «Oxygen For Cites» campaign tries to improve the urban environment. It will continue until the mid of October.

1 comment:

  1. I've just read this news and I think that it is wonderful when the citizens supply the region with oxygen because it is necessary to care about the nature and we have the dame organisation in my town and I saw such procedures and I wanted to take part in it. The news is informative and make people to think about what's going on in their home towns and to think how they can improve the situation with ecology.
