Sunday 15 November 2015

Survey: Future Profession

It' so important in our world to do the things you enjoy to do. The profession takes the hugest part of people's lifes, so if you satisfied with your profession one can say, you satisfied with your life. Many school graduates are on the crossroad, they don't know what they want. It often happens that people go to the university that they don't like and study without pleasure. How many people consciously made a choice? Are students determined? Are they satisfied with chosen university? To answer these questions I asked the students of TSPU about their thoughts on the theme. In this survey 130 respondents took part.

The first question was "Do you know what you want to do in future?"
39% of respondents answered "Yes"
21% answered "No"
and 40% of respondents are not sure in their choice
According to this replies, we can see that the biggest part of students don't know what they suppose to do in future. Only 39% are totally determined.
 The second question was "Are you planning to work in the field of your diploma?" This issue worried me the most.

As we see, more than a half of students don't plan to work in the field of their diploma, only 47% do. So, many students go to their faculty because of despair or other reasons.
If the students are even so uncertain about their future and profession, I wondered about their priorities. The next question I asked was "What's more important in your life: career, family or friends?"
The picture is the most clear because the majority (78%) said than it's family. 14% put the career on the first place in life and only 8% decided that it's friends.
On the question "What's more important in your profession money or pleasure?" I heard the answers that shown on the diagram:

Money and pleasure are equal for the most of people. Glad to see some people for whom pleasure is the most important thing because suppose to be masters of their business.
And the last but not least question was asked. I interested whether the respondents want to work  in the field that they have chosen all their life or not. Let's look at the results.
It's almost equal. 49% for "Disagree" and 51% for "Agree". So interesting how one half want to be constant and the other is open to something new. 

We can see how difficult to make a right dicision than should determine all your life. It can frighten young people. Uncertainty reigns. So, if you're a student, first of all, try to understand what you really like to do and what you wand from life. Listen to your heart and be open to new, don't afraid of trying something unusual. The choice of the future profession is a significant and very important step.

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