Thursday 19 November 2015

Feature: Designing the future with The Venus Project.

Our civilization achieved great things in last fifty years. We reached Moon, we sent our satellites to Mars and Venus. A lot of diseases were cured with the help of the new scientific inventions. But still there are a lot of people who suffer from poverty, hunger, and wars. What causes all these huge problems? Can we overwhelm them? How can we, simple people, influence all of this?
It seems members of the international organization called “The Venus Project” know the answers to these questions. Evgeny Slyuzko is the main representative of the movement in Russian-speaking countries. “Here, in Venus Project we seek a better future for humanity”, he says during webinar. “We think that sustainable development of society is possible only if all people are equally allowed to use resources of planet”.

This organization was founded by American designer and engineer Jacques Fresco. He calls himself “social engineer”. In his documentary “Future by design” Jacques says: “How can we talk about modern democracy, when one percent of planet population controls forty percents of resources?” 
The idea of creating such organization came to Jacques’ head more than forty years ago. First he established “Sociocyberneering, Inc.”, which further evolved into The Venus Project. This name descends from the name of a little village in USA.
During Q & A session Jacques Fresco said that the thing, which inspired him to create such a movement, was the Great Depression. He witnessed it when he was a child. “And I looked around, and stores had everything in the windows: radios and such things. Whatever people would need but they had no money. So, then I thought there was something wrong with our system”.
As it was previously mentioned, dembers of The Venus Project, according to Evgeny Slyuzko, promote the idea of “resource-based economy”. It is kind of socialistic idea of distribution of wealth equally to all people.
Venus Project has no offices around the world, no hierarchy or something like that. Every member can suggest new ideas via Internet. It is like a union of people who share some similar thoughts. This fact makes this movement unique. 
“Well, some people consider us as a Left-winged party”, says Evgeny. “In the sphere of politics it may seem so, but we think that politicians cannot solve the problems. Just ask them what they know about hydroponics. They will tell you:”I don’t know much about it”. Ask them about agriculture, robotics, cybernetics and the answers will be similar. So, we don't consider ourselves as a political organisation”.
In the capitalist system there are always millions of people who have very few money for living, people who witness wars and so on. The reason of all this suffering is hidden deep in the modern economic system. Also this system leads to environmental pollutions because today’s capitalism is aimed to get maximum profit with less investment.
So, what are the main purposes of The Venus Project?
The Venus Project offers a brand new socio-economic system, in which automation and technology would be integrated into all spheres of life and aimed mainly to improve the standard of living, without getting any profit. The project also offers a set of practical and realizable values ​​of human existence.

“These values ​​are in harmony with the spiritual aspects and ideals that can be found in most religions of the world. However, the hallmark of The Venus Project is a proposal to put these ideals into reality”, is written on the official site of the movement.
The first stage of the long-term plans for the project is already underway. Jacque Fresco and his associate Roxanne Meadows completed the construction of a research center on the area of ​​9 hectares in Venus, Florida. Videos, brochures, and the recently published book “All the best that money cannot buy” were issued to inform the public about the project and its proposals.
The second stage involves the creation of full-length feature film, which will show the work of the proposed project innovations. “The film”, says Evgeny, “will bring the audience the positive vision of a peaceful society, in which all people are one big family on planet Earth”.
And, finally, here comes the third stage. The third stage involves the creation of experimental research city that will allow testing plans and proposals. This experimental city will work to achieve the objectives and proposals of the project:
1.     All Earth’s resources belong to humanity in general, not to certain persons.
2.     The transition from monetary-oriented national economies of individual countries to the global resource-based economy.
3.     The restoration of environment.
4.     Complete phase-out of such forms of management as corporations and governments.
5.     The interchange of technologies for the benefit of all peoples.
This is not the full list of plans, but still it looks quite impressive and ambitious.
Nowadays humanity stands on the verge of changes. We face a lot of social, economic and environmental problems. And following the words of Jacques Fresco: “If we want to see the future we must invent it”. The Venus Project is not a utopia. It does not reflect the ideals of impractical dreamers. It is based on realistic goals. Our only limitations are those that only in our heads.

“So, what will we choose?” asks Jacques Fresco. “Oblivion or paradise?”

1 comment:

  1. The feature is really good and inspiring. It is easy to read and at the same time it gives readers full picture about the international organization called “The Venus Project”. There are aptly uses examples, details, quotes, and statistics in the feature. Vocabulary is varied and correct.
    I liked the final part of your feature; it makes us think about the future of our society and the planet at large. And it’s great, that you touched on such an important issue of our time
    Thank you for job. I think you could be a good journalist. ;)
