Thursday 19 November 2015

Survey: Politic involvement

I wanted to see how many young people are involved in modern political life. Nowadays we can see some kind of political Renaissance in Russia. But what do students of universities do in this sphere?

My first question was to define person's age.
Approximately half of the respondents are twenty years old. The numbers of people, who are 18 (24%) and 19 (21%) are almost equal. And people above 20 are the minority (14%).

The second question was whether the person was interested in politics.
The majority of respondents (70%) are interested in politics. Others are not. So, here we can see that the number of people in politics has twice outpaced the number of indifferent people.

I wondered how many of students participated in political life of their town or city. And I asked them about it.

And almost half of people (49%) don’t do anything connected with politics in their city or town. 13% of respondent, if I can say that, are "activists". And a bit more than one thirds of students participate rarely. Strange results, if we look on the previous question.

My next question was: "Do you think Russia has an active and strong civil society?"
The half (49%) of respondents are sure about the fact that Russia has a strong and active civil society.  27% of students said "No". A bit less (24%) of people are not sure.
 So, here we can see that 51 of students can consider Russia's civil society as nonoperating or even non-existent.

         Then I asked students about their political coordinates.

According to the results, Left-wing (30%) prevails over Right one (24%). 14% of respondents have moderate views on politics. And there are a lot of people who do not associate themselves with political movements (32%).

So, in this survey we can see that there are still a lot of young people out of politics. But among those who are in politics the Left-wing seems to be more popular then Right-wing or Centrist position. Young people are interested in politics in general, but only few of them participate in political life of country. I guess, those who are in political life of Russia make the big part of country's Civil Society.

1 comment:

  1. This survey is awesome. It's easy to read and I find it really informative. Politics is always topical issue. Well chosen questions, nice graphical application and understandable vocabulary. Good luck in your next works!
