Sunday 29 November 2015

I will help you become a rock performer, just tell me about that

The head of the project " The Rock Project “ , Ant (Antony) Atkins, who has gone a long way from the beginning of the rock '60s and rock today, promotes young rockers in a long way by the name of “Rock”.

I met Anthony in the 10th grade, when I was studying a foreign language in Colchester in the Atkins’s family. He's a good friend and a great musician who has invested in "The Rock Project" for most of his life. At that time my English was much worse than it’s now, and so I  recently exchanged letters by email to him and learned more about his beginnings in this sphere.

“We have created a project in the distant 2005, then we did not know that we make a dream a reality of young rockers.” He said.

All developing successfully. A large number of young rockers are
interested in this project and this began to get a head of steam.

“The business was franchised in 2008 and there are now over 30 schools across the UK with new schools opening all the time.”

"The Rock Project" cradled many young guys and today famous musicians and composers and also guitarists, drummers and other.

“So far over 2,500 students have been a part of The Rock Project and some have gone on to record albums and tour the UK as part of bands formed with other Rock Project students.”

During this time, there was a huge number of participants in the concerts "The Rock project." For many children, this is a great test to go on stage, they feel tremendous excitement, but they are gaining experience.

“Sometimes guys have a hard time, but they overstep their fears.”

As for Ant , he has played nationally and internationally supporting original bands from the 1960’s and 1970’s. He is a seasoned performer at theatres, concerts, festivals including “The Cavern” and the Beatles Convention in Liverpool. Ant started playing guitar at the age of twelve with school friends who went on to join the early line ups of The Small Faces, Uriah Heap, Steeleye Span,The Baron Knights and T Rextasy. Ant played for many years with the party band Fat Old Dad and other bands on the cabaret circuit and “Festival Of The Sixties” weekends.

I learned that Ant joined the group "The Honeycombs" and the revived his career as a musician.

“ Now I'm going back to the old roots and is very much enjoying playing what will always be great music playing live and recording with "The Honeycombs".

Everything is just beginning, and he said, " I will devote the rest of my days this sphere! "

Say "no" to autumn depression by standing on skates

With the change of seasons, especially the onset of winter, many people suffer from the symptoms of seasonal ailments. Drowsiness, fatigue, depression, and headaches- not comforting, is not it?
Weekends are coming and you're sitting at home with a huge amount of homework and you're bored. You need unwind. Outside the window you see gloomy grey view and yearning almost settled in your heart. You can't bear it anymore. Go for a walk? No, it's so ordinary, you need something special. Well...searching in the Internet for some information that, as you suppose, will save you. Cinema?.. Have watched these movies for million times and nothing interesting...Theatre?.. It's not for my mood today...Club?.. No, thanks...Lecture about how to become a businessman?..."the first ice arena in Tula opened ". Wow, stop here!

The opening ceremony of the arena "Tropic" was held in Rogozhinsky park.
The initiative for the construction of the ice arena by the group of companies "Tropic" in the person of Vladimir Gulyaev with the active support of the government and personally the Tula region Governor Vladimir Gruzdev, as well as the financial support of the Tula branch of Sberbank of Russia.
The schedule of work of the ice arena is already ready.
Time for public skating on Saturday and Sunday - from 15.00 to 20.00.

That suits me well! I already wanted something winter-like but there is no snow and frost outside. So, the dwellers of our city have a great opportunity to visit the ice arena. It's a chance for children to go in for sport and also for mature sportsmen to skate even in summer and hone their skills.

Awesome news! Must call friends and go together.

By the way, do you know something about hockey in Tula? What is good in hockey? This game hones to perfect tactics of the team. A skill of confidently balancing on the blade of skate helps to keep physical and mental balance in the most critical situations. Unfortunately, it’s not very popular kind of sport here because of lack of sports center with the required equipment for playing. Besides, our city can boast strong hockey teams such as “Falcon”, “Energy”, “Ray” and others but the most famous is “Tropic”. The ice arena was named in sake of this team, the strongest team of Tula. On account of this team there are dozens victories in various competitions, including tournaments of international level. I can not help saying about the Night Hockey League, also known as NHL. It’s very popular among non-professional players. The next thing surprised me. Tula police have assembled a hockey team! Every week the police officers train on the court of the Ice Palace. Experienced instructors help them to hone technique of skating and cast, work with the stick and keep the puck. It is quite unexpected.

Let's go back to my holiday.

I'm seeking for my skates, grab it and run out of home towards the adventure. I am in high spirits. Now even the weather doesn't seem so dark, beams of the sun start breaking through the clouds.

The road to the ice arena is so long but it is worth it. Finally, we got it. We are standing opposite the building we need. The great crowd went towards us. It was the end of the first public skating. At the entrance we were met by an old lady who controlled visitors to put on overshoes. You can go to the ice rink with your own skates or to rent them. Professionals are always ready to help you to choose the right size of skates. If your skates need sharpening, you can do it right here for an insignificant sum of money.

We bought tickets and had a little time before the beginning of the second public skating. The time to look about. We found out cups, hockey sticks and hockey outfit behind the glass. There were also diplomas and medals of outstanding sportsmen of our city. Advertisements with Invitations to sports schools to do skating, figure skating and hockey huddled on the information board. Moreover, it's not only the ice arena but also the modern gym with all the comforts is here and even sport bar.

It's time for us to go. I peeped into one dressing room-too many people and no single free place. The next one was good. It's an exciting feeling when you at first take out from the bag your white skates and then standing on the floor with them on your feet. The queue is already waiting for opening the cherished door to open the way to the highly anticipated ice rink. Hooray! It happened! I felt like a hockey player for a while when I was going on the ice. The first movements are so awkward. The ice is very strong and smooth. It's really a pleasure to skate here. The rink is full of people of different ages from young to old. Everybody is happy, with smiles on faces. Be careful, don't forget about the behavior rules. The overseer of order will stop you and make an observation if you're an infringer.

One hour passed so unnoticed but it was enough for the first time in this season. The light turned off and all people went to the dressing room again. Tired but satisfied. With a generous amount of emotions that will be enough for a week.

That made my day. I'll be back for sure.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Everyone is waiting for miracles

    Have you ever thought of winter to be a magical season? If you haven’t then I suppose you are too pragmatic since the early childhood.
    As soon as November begins gradually overflowing into December and the first snowflakes touch soft children’s cheeks and their pug noses, the gloomy city turns into a fabulous fairy tale.
    ‘What terrible weather!’ I hear everywhere. ‘That’s so cold, disgusting indeed.’
However, let’s have a look at the children which are playing snowballs, making snowmen and building snow forts: watching them, we realize how little we need for happiness. People are absorbed in daily routine so much that we forgot this simple rule: learn enjoying the ordinary things to be happy.
    Several weeks ago my little brother asked me ‘When does New Year come?’
    ‘In about two months, darling’ I told him.
    ‘Oh, still it’s so far’ he replied ‘It takes a month of Sundays, this waiting’
    ‘Is it really so far?’ I thought ‘It’s much closer than it seems to be. A couple of months ago we were walking at the park and eating ice cream. And now we can already skate the ice slide. This year is coming to the end. Life is running so fast.’
    That evening I was returning home from the university by my usual route. The thoughts captured whole my attention. Suddenly I saw the blue sparkles on the trees. They were shining so brightly that I couldn’t have noticed them. These marvelous little stars were lighting the street. Garlands! They are turned on only in winter. Super-Duper! New Year is coming! My soul was warming with joyful hope about some kind of happiness. I don’t know why, but it’s intrinsically for people to believe in miracle and always wait for it. Probably, when something is not OK and we lose our hope, we need a thing to believe, for not to give up.
    Last year was rather difficult for me; I had a goal to achieve which I needed lots of moral power and support. And the Dame Nature herself gave me hope for best.
Before I realized this, everything seemed terrible. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the sofa and howl. Although I tried to take things on the chin fears were predominating. His Majesty Pessimism wanted to grab me with his tenacious paws but I tried to push him back, panting.
    Having come home, I lighted gas stove and put a kettle on it. While it was heating up, I exerted myself to warm up; I was looking at the window and watching the whirling snowflakes. Miraculous weather. Here’s my hot chocolate. And cold snow's behind the window. It looked like marshmallow. It seemed to me if I put a cup under the snowfall, some snowflakes would fall into my chocolate and they would be insensibly dissolving, leaving white patterns after themselves.
    Poor winter! Having grown-up, people depreciate all the miracles you do. In former times, they enjoyed you, not being able for you to come. And now… Now they are in a hurry to fulfill their own concerns. Only children know all your secrets.

    Every winter they are waiting for New Year and for Christmas presents, for kind Santa Claus and his hard-working elves. For green shaggy trees, covered with snow. For lighting bright garlands hanged throughout the city. They are waiting for winter miracles.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Walking in the park

Walking in a park with my girlfriend, we sat down on a bench. People were passing by us and speaking about different problems and other things. Some of them were speaking about football -  last soccer game of our combined team. They discussed the play. And others-about music, problems in school , work and other things.
It smelled of syrupy, mawkish candy floss and very tasty vanilla and chocolate cocktail. relaxing and pacifying romantic music played In the park, the chant of birds was so amazing and sweetened. The flock of birds were flying to the south. They usually have about a one degree acceptance angle, meaning once they're more than about a degree off, none of the sunlight rays will hit the focus. It was sunny and windy.
Funny and happy laugh of children was heard. By the side of attractions also there were a lot of young couples, they were enjoying this charming and incredible atmosphere and holding hands. The leaves on the trees were growing yellow , played in the sun and fell down. By the side of the forest it smelled of freshness and incipient autumn. 

All around us seemed fantastic. It seemed  Fairyland.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Survey:"Road to the Future"

The life of students only seems to be simple, easy-going and joyful. It can be so only on holidays and some weekends when students don’t have to prepare for their classes. All the rest of the time students have to work and sometimes to work very hard. At the same time they have to think about future life. Of course, many people chose a career path early on, studied for a particular career, and have enjoyed that career path all along. But for many people, careers evolve over time, as one career opportunity leads to another, and as they continually learn new skills and build their careers.
This survey  is aim to know about students current career plans . To answer these questions I asked the students (the age is 18-22) of different universities  about their thoughts on this topic. In this survey  took part about 100 respondents .  

The first question was «How do you feel about career planning?»

51% of students answered «Worried»
19% - «Confident»
15% - «Bored»
10% - «Ready»
5% - «Exicited»

According to the results, we can observe that the biggest part of  students are not sure, but worried about the future career. But the low percentage of students are sure. 
The next question was « Do you know what career sphere you are interested in?» The diagram will show the answers:

62% answered – «Not yet, but I am starting to think about careers»
23% - « Yes, I have one strong career goal»
15% - «No, I do not know yet what type of career I want»

Analyzing the data from the first question, it is not surprising that the majority does not have a clear position. But the good occasion is that they are starting to think about it. Also there are students who don`t ready to start thinking about plans for future developments.
In conclusion, I want to find out what is in the priority for students when they make a decision. Let`s see the results:

38% - «Money is important, but enjoyment is also have to be».
35% - «Only salary».
27% - «Definitely I have to be a professional in this sphere and I have to be interested in it.»

While choosing a career we should take into consideration all the benefits it can give us. First of all, it should be interesting, but the participants consider that money is also important. It`s difficult to disagree with it.

Draw conclusions from the survey, I can say that there are students who are uncertain about there’s future but there are others. I think it also depends on their age, because there are first-year students and graduates almost.
In my opinion, choosing the kind of career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Before you make this decision you will have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you do well. When deciding your future you must be realistic about your interests and abilities.

Darwin conspiracy

Everyone was taught, that life began purely by chance and there was a long process of a person’s evolution. Charles Darwin is considered to be a father of “The theory of evolution” and his work “The Origin Of Species” is world-known. Every history and biology student book contains this information and even insists on it. But what if Darwin was wrong? Why did we know only this theory and was this theory truthful indeed?

Do you know how Charles Darwin begins his great work?

"You will be greatly disappointed (by the forthcoming book); it will be grievously too hypothetical. It will very likely be of no other service than collocating some facts; though I myself think I see my way approximately on the origin of the species. But, alas, how frequent, how almost universal it is in an author to persuade himself of the truth of his own dogmas."
The author himself is not sure in his work. Can it be reliable in this case?
“You haven’t got possibilities to check the facts! Don’t be silly, the whole world couldn’t be wrong or maybe you’re smart enough to argue with scientists?” – My collocutor was furious and shocked by my “stupidity”.
The point is plenty of scientists denied this theory so long ago but this fact is still under the secret.

Kids are taught that life can evolve but it needs plenty of time. This is a wrong statement, moreover it is incorrect fron the scientistic point of view.
Impossible things can't become possible no matter how much time passed.

You are waiting for the facts of course and I am not going to hide them.

FACT 1. Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory is Wrong

Look at the pictures. Do you see the difference? Of course you do.
The skeleton of a monky is obviously not similar to a human.

There is no a "missing link" and extinct species don't prove it was found.
Charles Darwin hoped the transitional links to be found  to prove his "Theory of Evolution." But only individual species were found and they prove nothing.
And this is true: transitional forms were never found.
Actually vice versa they prove  an evolutionary process to be failed. If this process was true, all plants, animals, and insects would be in a continual state of change forever. 

"Evolution is unproved and improvable, we believe it because the only alternative is special creation, which is unthinkable." (Sir Arthur Keith, a militant anti-Christian physical anthropologist)

FACT 2. Muations
Another famous part of the theory that this factor [mutation] was extremely important for a cell’s evolution.
And below is the statement from modern scientists.
"Mutations (DNA replication errors) are the result of DNA that is replicated with damage that passes on to the offspring. Mutations are very rare because of DNA checking and repair. However, one in every ten million duplications of a DNA molecule can result in a mutation (error). The mutation changes are random, unpredictable errors that cause crippling diseases, loss of function and the destruction of the host person or animal. Mutations destroy the species. They do not improve the species. Mutations never lead to a new species as falsely claimed by evolutionists."
Do you remember in our school textbooks was an example about bacterium that developed immunity to penicillin? Let’s observe another explanation.
In simple terms the variant that both groups of bacteria (some had such an immunity and others didn’t) existed at the same time is much more plausible. Thus others died and that strong group survived. Anyway a bacterium remained a bacterium and its organism wasn’t improved. But evolution does imply improvement.

FACT 3. Chaos From Organization Proves Evolution is Wrong
The second law of thermodynamics proves evolution to be wrong.  Nothing can appear from chaos.  An organism cannot be rearranged  into an organism of a higher form by itself.
Everything is close to a lower state, not higher. The genes of plants, insects, animals, and humans if to put them i an uncontroled condition are continually becoming defective, not improving. Species  become extinct, not evolving. Order will always move to disoder, not vice versa.
“So you are saying we were created by God, aren't you? It is ridiculous, it is impossible to believe!” – common words of evolutionists. But if the Theory of evolution still remains as a theory but not a law, can it be trusted? There are so many inconsistencies that the only way to take the theory is on trust. The creationism is taken on trust a priori and anyway we can find proofs in the Bible.
The choice is yours: the theory of evolution lost its authority long ago and nowadays considered to be controversial.

Were we lied? It seems to be. Why were we lied? It is a good open question.

Can travelling  replace the education?
With the cost of higher education rising dramatically each year, should you give up university  and instead use that money to travel the world? It’s one of the questions that  lots of  students wonder about.
Sitting at a desk studying page after page is only half the story, exploring the world can give you so much more than just knowledge.  There is an opinion that you can learn more about the geology , for example of the Grand Canyon in books, but you won’t truly understand  until you stand at its edge and watch the Colorado River snake its way into the distance. And  I actually think the same. Now, there is nothing more important than education. You should, of course, continue educating yourself your entire life. Learning should never be confined to just your time in classrooms.
If you’re  purposeful , whether you  attend university or not , you will achieve your future  success. Take Steve Jobs, Einstei, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, for example - these individuals have accomplished great things without completing formal learning programs. Why? Because they were driven, smart, and understood the value of learning itself.
One thing that has always impressed me about other countries is the chance of the “gap year.” In many countries, when you turn 18, you are able to travel  around the world before you head off to university. The idea is why should you go to university when you don’t know what you want to study?” It`s a great privilege to think out your life, go explore the world and grow up. In Russia we get used to going to university  after high school.  It’s part of imposed by society course of events: school, job, marriage, house, kids, retirement. And there’s a myth that if you don’t continue to attend the university right away, there must be something wrong with you.

I aked my friend,who finished not only the school but also the university. She is 25. Let`s  see what she thinks about it: «I got obsessed with traveling since the first time I had planned my first trip abroad without parents and travel agency services! All these cheesy and cliche routs that every travel agency has to offer a tourist are so boring and not of interest for me, so I prefer just to go on foot and explore a city by myself. To tell the truth, I was not a good student during history and geography lessons . I knew some major facts about countries and theirs capitals and that was pretty much . I don't want to say something bad about my teachers, they were truly masters of their art, I just wasn't interested, as truly interested in learning more about the world. But everything has changed when I set on the plane that got me to Berlin.. I was so deeply impressed by architecture, history of the city and country, some legends that came across every palace or tower, simply by Germans and their way of life that after my returning home I was studying not only German language but the history of the country like a mad woman!) 
And this happened once again  after my visiting Sweden, and France, and the Czech Republic...»  
So we can tell for sure relying on her own experience that traveling is the new and the best way of learning! And I mean not only learning history or language but also learning such major things as tolerance, better understanding of people, mutual aid.

But I was interested to know the point of view of the older generation, so I asked my father. «It’s great to travel when you’re young, but I definitely would not have appreciated the experience as much when I was 18. For some people , I think university teaches more than just what’s in books–it teaches independence and responsibility, which can certainly help us in the future. Of course, I also think it’s important to take advantage of study abroad opportunities while in university. It really  leads to more travel in the future.
From the financial standpoint, sure I am glad to have attended university when it wasn’t outrageously expensive. Unfortunately, it’s still necessary to get that education. It’s indeed difficult to answer this question. Travel is great but education is important. »
I think education is important and useful if you have an idea of what you want to get out of it. And if you don’t, don’t go. Work, volunteer, take up hobbies, or travel the world instead.
Travel is an education in itself, giving you the opportunity to learn about both yourself and the world. Exploring the world definitely makes you  grow up, and, sometimes, gives you direction in life.

Having a higher education increases your earnings and opportunity in your life. But if you’re young and unsure of how to proceed after high school, I’d say take a hobby, get a job, travel the world and go on adventures!
Never stop learning and get education when you’re ready.

Ukrainian Riff Machine

There are not so many Ukrainian bands, which are known all over the Europe. And “Stoned Jesus” is one of them. I exchanged letters with their leader Igor Sidorenko via Email and had a very nice conversation with him.
Igor started “Stoned Jesus” in 2008 after leaving his post-punk project called “Krobak” and in fact it was a surprise for him. But later this band became a surprise for all stoner-rock fans all over the Europe.
I had bad times in late 2008 and started to come up with angry heavy riffs that were hardly Krobak-related, so I decided to start another project, a Sludge/Post-Metal one. But when the opening "Occult" riff appeared I realized that this is going to be a little bit different stuff ;) My old passion for bands like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin melt my Sludge/Post-Metal blueprints into something new, besides I discovered Electric Wizard and Sleep and finally realized the direction I should take with my own music.”
Igor was inspired by his parents since the very childhood. His father was a musician in Soviet times and his mother was a music teacher. She taught Igor how to play guitar and brought him to music classes. Since he first became acquainted with some classic rock music his life has changed.
My mother taught me how to play guitar and I went to music school, as well. I was around 13 when I heard Nirvana and Jimmy Page, and I knew what I wanted to do. So the big classics were a kind of  inspiration for me.”
His career began in 2009, with the first LP of “Stoned Jesus” called “First Communion”. And it was a real breakthrough. Critics’ scores were very good and soon Igor and his band went to their first tour around the Europe. The band met real financial problems during that time, but as they said, it was just an incredible experience. During the tour Igor felt himself discomposedly and rapturously.
 “We didn’t know what could happen during our tour. In fact we weren’t ready for it, but did our best”  
Guys recorded the whole album's basic tracks live-ib-the-studio on their Kiev's friend equipment in just two (!!!) hours, and then Igor returned home to mix it, add solos and vocals. It was the first studio experience for Nick and third or second for Alex, SJ’s drummer for that time. Igor was glad that Solitude Prod. took over album's promotion, they know how to work with Doom Metal and they were exactly what guys needed back in 2010.
 I still recieve exciting feedbacks on "First Communion" even though it feels like we recorded it ages ago.”
The next following months Igor spent in a tour playing gigs everywhere and becoming more and more famous. Some time later the band signed a contract with a major studio label and released their next album – “The Harvest”. This album secured their success on an International stage and gave them an opportunity to play with such bands like “Radio Moscow” and “Electric Wizard”.
“The Harvest” is undeniably good, hitting the spots just right. There’s power in the slow cuts “Black Church” and “Rituals of the Sun,” which puts Stoned Jesus’s fine focus on display. Other cuts like “Youth For Sale” or the aforementioned “Wound” stroke our desire to hear something that’s both heavy and catchy, earning “The Harvest” a spot in one’s record collection. – says “The Sludgelord UK” magazine.

“Ukrainian Riff Machine” – that is how Igor’s friends call him. He always laughs at it and denies his talent. According to his story, the main secret of his success is a sincere love of music. He hopes that “SJ”’s next works will be better and more popular, so he keeps working on it.
Well, we've just released a new EP which is some kind of the upcoming album's preview and plan to record a new full-length this Summer and release it before 2015 ends. We eager to play some shows in Europe, and Slovenia may be one of the first countires to explore! ;)”

Visiting Pushchino

Visiting Pushchino
Today is a sunny day and my mum and I are walking along the main street, named the Science Street and we are talking about our home town – Pushchino. I see the tall buildings which are situated on this street. There are so many different shops which I know from my childhood. Here I was skiing when I was a child and had so much fun! I remember everything from my childhood.
Pushchino is a little town in Moscow region. It was founded in 1966. Pushchino has big history and it is supposed to be a science town. It is situated on the right side of the river Oka and the population is very small, in total 21 000 people.
Pushchino is my native town. I find it amazing and beautiful. I was born here 20 years ago I had lived in the town until I turned 17 years old. You can see that Pushchino is surrounded by forest, that’s why there is so much fresh air as though you live somewhere in the country-side. Today I’m coming to Pushchino to visit my mother and have a walk down the town. By the way, it is long and it takes about an hour to go from the beginning to the end of the town. total area of the Pushchino is 18 sq. km. It has many sights. I remember the new Pushchino in which I was  born. But my parents were born in the old Pushchino and I think they can tell much interesting about  what it was like in 1970. I believe it was different and there were less buildings that there are today.
‘Pushchino is not such an old town, isn’t it? But it looks nice and clear, was it so when you were a child?’ I ask my mum.
‘Yes. You know, there is a green area. It is situated behind my previous home. When the trees were set, the deep hole grave was dug and once I fell  into it and lost my boot.’
‘What else do you remember about our native town?’
‘I think winters were better. There were hills in each yard and our parents made rinks for us and we were skating.’
‘What about the streets of the town? Were they the same?’
‘The soda devices stood and it cost 3 kopecks peanuts. We were huddled around them.’

 ‘I found this photo. What can you say about it?’
‘I remember how these houses were being built. I had been living in the right one and instead of the two high white houses there was a field. Then the construction began and I went to school passing the bulding area. In the green area we were walking the dogs.’
‘What about the yards. There are so many cars nowadays. I think when even I was a child there were not so many cars. In your childhood I think there were no cars at all, weren’t there?’
‘Yes, there were very few cars and the yards were free. The playgrounds were not covered by cars and children had much place to play.’
‘How did you celebrate New Year? Was it the same as we do nowadays?’
 ‘It was always merry! People were going with harmonicas. There were no fireworks and people were wearing masks. Now everybody is with detonators and there is no such merriness and no wish to go to a New Year's tree. The administration set the attractions in the New Year’s night and Father Christmas played with children.
‘You told me that you skied on Fian, the area of forest, related to our town.’
‘Yes. There was lighted road and in the evening everybody could come and ski.’
‘Our town is scientific. I know that our scientists invented the blue blood and many students come here for practice.’
‘Oh, yes. ‘There are 7 research institutions and all of them are mainly connected with biology. Scientists grow up some plants, for example the plants which were brought from the permafrost. They tried to grow up the ancient plants. Also there is an observatory on the Fian and people come on excursion to see the great telescope. We have also the House of Scientists. Many scientific concerts and seminars take place there. Our scientists read lectures there and everybody can come and listen to them.’
I think elder people can tell much interesting about the home town. Actually, Pushchino is not so famous, but still it has its history and it is full of memories by elder people.
We have two libraries and one of them is situated in front of my house that’s why I go here and can take some magazines to read.

I took one in which I found an interesting article about one famous place in my town. It is the manor of Pushchino. Many people come here just to see the place.
It is a abandoned manor where some films were directed. One of them is ‘Don’t attack the white swans’. This photo is made from the front side of the manor. Now there are no big lions and any stairs which led to small ponds. The house was very big but the most part of it was destroyed. This manor related to the 17th century and yet in the 80s of the last century much of it could be seen. During the war time there was a hospital. In that time some documents were found there and there was a list of people who lived there two centuries ago. Our mayor wants to restore the manor but it still doesn’t happen.
I visited this manor last summer and most of all I wanted to see the waterfall. The water was holy earlier. Now it is also clean enough and people can drink it.
When people come here to watch its beauty, they find themselves among small hills and ravines, lofty trees and eye filling landscape on the river Oka. The waterfall is about two or three meters high and it makes the great noise over the dark and dense forest.
It is really worth-seeing in summer, when the trees are green and the weather is warm or even hot to have a bathe under the waterfall. When you come here, you forget about your vital and daily problems and worryings and can breath the fresh air and listen how the birds are singing and watch how the waterfall is falling down.
To my mind, people who came to visit this mysterious waterfall are happy and lucky because this place has big energy and it can give it to you. You will be full of force, love and patience after visiting this place. It is really worth-seeing.

To sum up, every year there are many tourists who come to see the sightseeing and to enjoy the fresh air. Pushchino is a science town which has a short, but interesting history.