Wednesday 22 October 2014

Visual wrighting. Under the sky.

The peaceful autumn evening captures the scene. I'm sitting on a coloureful bench in the middle of the children's playground. It's getting dark but the bright coloures of new swings, staircases and mazes are still arresting my attention. Every minute gray coloures of the evening are swallowing pixels of paints and half an hour later it becomes completely dark. Thank for the lights from the screen of my Galaxy laptop I can see what is going on around me.
When the darkness seizes the street eyesight loose its acuitz and it's time for other feelings - hearing and scent. The playground is surrounded by several five-storey houses and a hostel for foreign students (it's not far from the University of Chemistry and Technology). Every building shares its sounds with nature. People are twitting in their flats and buildings murmures faintly.
People who rarely walk along the paths add some light hearted melodies to the common song of the street.
I'm pleased to sit here, in the centre of the world. I feel the fresh smell of newly cut grass mixing with the leaves and fried meat and potato from the opened windows.
It's amazing to be a dreamer, the part of nature. Just sitting in the centre of the world, looking around, feeling and hearing everything that surrounds you.

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