Wednesday 8 October 2014

Ireland. Just Ireland...

Thinking of the topic for my interview, I've suddenly remembered of my group mate who went to Ireland last year. And I decided that it'd be interesting to know more about that journey and share her experience with other students. So, I met Lera at the University and asked her to answer some of my questions.

Lera...Was it your dream to go to Dublin?
Well, actually, no, it wasn't. This journey was just a good opportunity to go to an English-speaking country and entertain myself. 

Oh, I'm sure you had a great time there.
Yeah, I never regretted that I decided to go.

So...What was it& Where did you stay?
Well, I stayed with a great family. It was a married couple with 2 children - boys of 8 and 10 years. I wasn't the only student there. There was also a student from Morocco.

Morocco? Was there anybody from Russia except you?
In my group there was only one girl from Russia. The others were from different countries.

How did you study there?
We studied from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. At the lessons we mostly talked. We had a wonderful teacher who didn't give us a lot of homework. And, moreover, it was very interesting to communicate with people from other countries.

I can imagine. So you didn't have to spend a lot of time on your homework. What did you do after classes then?
After classes we could do whatever we wanted. We visited different museums, castles and, of course, we went shopping.

Talking about museums...Which one was the most impressive?
Of course, it was The National Leprechaun Museum. You probably know that a leprechaun - a fabulous character with a pot of gold - is one of the main symbols of Ireland. There is a very interesting hall where all the furniture is three times bigger than its real size. And everybody can feel how difficult it is to be such a small creature.

Oh, that's very cute. Was there something else that you'd like to tell me about?
Well, we've also visited a concert. It was like... an opera. There was a choir and some opera singers, and they performed some old songs. It was quite interesting.

So...What is your general impression of your journey?
I liked it very much. People are so pleasant and friendly there. I gained a great experience, improved my English and learned a lot of interesting things.


  1. This article is rather interesting to read. It's easy and fascinating to read. The questions are multifarious and answers catch lots of attention. To add something, I'd like to read some information about Lera's expressions and her opinion about coming back to Ireland

  2. the topic and the person to discuss were chosen right, in my opinion.
    i really liked the way you create questions and especially that you asked her if there anything else she would like to tell you! It makes your interviewee to think!
    I wouldn't add anything
