Friday 3 October 2014

Love& Life

Love & Life
Every teenager thinks about his or her life, personality, ambitions. So, today I’m going to interview one of teenagers about her world outlookI prepared a small list of questions and I’m really looking forward to hearing the answers.

We never seem to have enough time to really think about the ones we love. Who do you love? Is that your partner? Or somebody else? Do you love many persons at once?
-This is a very difficult question for me because I don’t always have time to spend it with thepeople I love. So it’s everybody who surrounds me - my family, friends, collagues, but the person who I love the most is my mother.

Who’s your best friend? Where did you meet? What makes that person your best friend, after all?

- Yes, I have not so many best friends. They are young men and women, some of them I haveknown since my childhood and some of them I met at school. I think time passes and after some situations in my life they proved to be my best friends.

What’s your childhood dream? Do you still remember it? You wanted to travel the world? Has your dream become true? Or are you drifting away from it with every single day of your life?
- Really I can’t remember it. I guess I had one but what it was I have no idea. I’ve alwayswanted to travel and I still want it  because it’s really  fun to make friends from variouscountries, to learn other cultures.

Where do you live? Is this really your place? Do you feel at home there?
-I live in a city which is good for me. Yes, this is really my place. When I’m at home, I feelpeace and quiet and there, of course, after a hard and difficult day I can rest. So my house is my castle.

Do you think you’re strong? Strong people have this power to change their life and to create incredible thingsWhat “strong” means to you?
- I guess I am. For me strength is overcoming the difficulties, when you believe in yourself and your abilities.

What was the most important thing you’ve done so far? Have you really done something important? Something that changed your life fundamentally? Or something that changed somebody else’s life fundamentally? Why was that important?
- During my short life I’ve done very few important things. For everyone important things can be different. What about me, it’s to graduate from the university or to get married andhave children. Currently there aren’t such things that could radically change my life.

Do you love yourself? Like really, truly accepting everything about you. Does it happen that you hate yourself? Most people do that without even being aware.
It’s rather very difficult to say whether I love myself or not. I like some of my traits, but there are things that I’d like to change, and I try to do it. My attitude towards me is bothpositive and negative.

What is your favorite word? It might be the one you’re saying all day long without realizing or it might be something that really makes you feel good when you’re telling it. Most of the time, there’s an unconscious link between your true self and this word.
- My favorite word is the mother, I can say it many times a day. And is there any other word? I think everyone's favorite word is mum. Even a small child when he grows up says “mum”for the first word.

When was the last time you cried? What was so powerful that really cracked you up inside?
- The last time I cried? It’s hard. I often cry, and sometimes even over nothing, just  nonsenceFor example, I cried last week in the afternoon when saw a stray dog on the road and I felt sad and sorry for it.

Can you see yourself in 5 years from now? How would you look? How would you behave?
-What will be with me in 5 years? I think I would have a family, my husband, 3 children and want to engage in something that I really like.

If there’s one thing in your life you want to change right now, what is it?
-I guess I have everything in my life  house, family, job that I like, I’m healthy, that is very important. I don’t want to change anything. So if I would have a magic wand I wouldgive it to someone who really needs it.

Do you have secrets? What is your number one reason for having and keeping secrets?
- It seems to me that everyone has secrets, but what are they for then? In order not to harm anyone and , especially, dear people. I'm not afraid if someone will know my secret, but certainly it’s unpleasant and shameful, but if they know the secret of my dear person from whom I have something to hide I would be annoyed reaction of people.

Are you happy?
-At the moment, I'm happy. Because now I have people who support me, I have a favorite job, and favorite pastime. Therefore, I can say exactlI am happy.


  1. I like psychology. It's very interesting for me to read and analyse unknown people's feelings. Thanks.

  2. I got positive emotions when I read it. It's always good to get them from other people. And the interview makes to think about life.

  3. always interesting to see what kind of person inside. read easily and naturally

  4. Your interview is very interesting. But, in my opinion, you ask too many questions at once. I think it's not convenient for the interviewee. Probably it would be better to divide them.

  5. For example the question about the most important thing she's done. At first it'd be enough to ask "What was the most important thing you’ve done so far?". And then, after the interviewee's answer, you'd ask whether it changed her life or not.
    And also when you asked about her childhood dream, it wasn't necessary to ask about travelling at the same time. If you really wanted to know her thoughts about travelling, it would have been better to ask it later.
