Sunday 8 December 2013

XI International film festival first time in Tula
The XIth International festival of military films named after YU.N. Ozerova take takes place in Tula from 16 to 20 October.
It is the first Russian festival of Patriotic film, which emerged on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Every year the organizers choose a new city for carrying out of this festival, and Tula hosts it for the first time.
The main program includes fiction, documentary and animated films made by filmmakers in the world. About 70 films from different countries will be presented, such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, India, Israel, China, USA, Finland, Montenegro, and Norway.

"Tula is region famous for its samovars, gingerbreads and also armourer, that's why our starship trooper landed on the Tula land this year", - said Oleg Ugrumcev, the president of the festival.

Films will be showed  in the cinema Albany, as well as in Yasnaya Polyana and the Philharmonic.
The XIth film festival is the biggest for all time of its existence. Moreover, it is available for to all viewers: entrance to the festival is free. 

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