Sunday 8 December 2013

Art and Magic Creators.

Colored and variegated dresses swirl on the shining parquet. Lively eyes eagerly look at the scene. All are waiting  for a real show. And now the first chords of hot and passionate Latina grab everyone's attention and set up the spirit of the evening. Young people move in unison with these sounds, as if they blend into one in the rhythm of the dance. Then older pairs appear and the audience with sinking heart catch their every sliding on the parquet. Everything is just in one moment, in one minute, in one dance.
On November 21 the contest "Autumn Ball" was held in Tula - the ballroom dancing competition which united the dancers of different ages and categories. A huge number of organizers, participants, their relatives and audience were received in TSU sports building that day. The festive atmosphere didn't leave this huge and dazzling competition hall for a moment. You could see everything here - laugh, tears, nervousness, bitterness of the defeats and delight of the victories. This event didn't leave anybody indifferent. Where else can you find so many sparks in the eyes, so much drive and so much emotions?
There were a lot of participants from different towns, they were doing their best during this contests to show their skills and aspirations for the victory. Each participants brought a piece of themselves, a piece of their soul in the dance. Tula contestants from 7 ball schools were performing brilliantly. They took part in all the nominations and won the prizes in each one.
Participants' parents were not less nervous and uneasy than their children."It's the first performance on the big stage for my son, - says Natalya Ageeva, Egor's mother, who's a participant in the category "Baby", - he is dancing in a pair, I am worrying for him a lot and, of course, I hope for the prize!"
Someone will accept only victory. "We came from Orel for this competition, - says a grandmother of Alisa Cherednikova, one of the participants in the pair category "Baby", - my granddaughter has already participated  in the contests and became a winner and now we are also expecting to win!"
If you go backstage, you'll see a crowd of people, preparing for the competition. They are a bit nervous, rush around the room. Several persons look for the costumes, others rehearse their dances... One children pair seems to freeze waiting for their turn. And what does it mean to dance professionally at this early age? Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, balance - it's not a complete list of advantages. Parents admire their beloved child who can move and dance better than others. Besides it's a very useful way to entertain them. But what do children think? Do they also like this kind of activity like parents do? "I am dancing because I love it," - tells Sonya. She is 9 and she started dancing at the age of 7. "My mother also likes it and she brought me to the dance school,- she continues, - sometimes it's so difficult but I make an effort."
I remember when I started dancing in my childhood. It took up all my spare time. I liked moving, trying to do something new, to do movements better than others. I dreamed of being a popular dancer on TV and performing on stage. And when I stepped in front of the audience first time I was full of emotions and feelings which were impossible to put into words. I loved dance with all my heart. And still do it. And now during this contest I feel the same emotions as if I am also performing on this stage.
5 year-olds are taking part in the category “Baby”, many of them are not inferior to their older colleagues in mastery. They illuminate  the scene and everything around like small lights, inspire others with their energy. Not a drop of nervousness on their faces – only easiness, joy and pleasure with what is going on. Then the older contestants appear. They present their category in a worthy – bright, sprightly manner, so that you want to catch their spirit and dance in this dizzy steam of emotions. And finally, the adults create the whole show on the stage like real actors, glancing vividly, moving as if they were merged with the melody.  “Fiery” rhythms involve them in this avalanche of feelings and passions.
For all these people dance is a self-expression, a whole life that they live within a few minutes on stage. And it’s not so important whether you win the first prize or get only a certificate of participation, the main thing is to show for a few moments what you have been studying for a long time, how much work and energy you’ve put into this, how sincerely you’re devoted to it, how you love it with your whole heart. And the people around sink with delight, with sensations transmitted miraculously to them from the dancers – these infinite rays of energy, drive and joy, the creators of art and magic.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Motcheva Ulyana


  1. Thanks a lot for your article! It brought me a feeling of nostalgia. I was reading your descriptions with a cheerful smile. Your article returned me at that time when I went to the ballroom dancing school. My parther and I had daily exhausting trainings, but we were extremely happy when we were sliding on the parquet before an audience. Of course, everyone wanted to take first place or be among the top three. However, if a person doesn't enjoy musiс and he only wants to win, he is a very bad dancer.
    I agree with you that these competitions are a real magic for everyone. Honestly, I think if you love dancing, you never give up it!

  2. I really like your article, especially, the descriptions. You didn`t write about dancing, you depicted it using a lot of adjectives. Dancing isn`t my scene but you make me feel the atmosphere of the ballroom dancing competition, unbelievable energy. Several quotations which you put into your article, make it more lively and interesing))
    I hope that some day I`ll become closer to the magic called dancing.

  3. Dance....It's such a fiery, bright and emotional process. You picked up the great adjectives to describe the atmosphere of that ball! I liked the paragraph where you plunged into their memories. I know you're gorgeous dancer and I would like to hear more of your personal stories here. In this article you added news theme and talked about the event of the particular day, about people and their excitement and feelings at that moment.You managed to connect past and present and the great news features saw the light!
