Thursday 5 December 2013


                          Who said meow?

They come to your home, occupy all the possible nook and cranny and step-by-step become the full members of the family. These impudent, independent creatures with self-esteem and greatness make themselves comfortable in our hearts and souls. I think, everybody easily guessed this simple riddle and we are ready to start our story about CATS.
I don’t know people who absolutely dislike cats. Of course, there are persons who say with the grand expert’s faces: « You know, dogs are true friends, devoted companions. And cats are absolutely useless, lazy and stupid pets. They don’t bring you slippers every morning. And what about licking? How can you live without a wet face, man! » You are perfectly right, my dear dog owner. And let`s forget about your every-morning-exhausted smile at 6 a.m. when you take your faithful ally out for a walk! Sometimes I specially wake up earlier to see this wonderful scene:  gloomy, silent men and women mince with their dogs from one bush to another, dreaming about warm beds.  But we digressed from our theme.
     When I was a little girl I wished to have a cat. And a unicorn. But firstly a cat. I asked my parents and granny, wrote to Santa Claus and on my seventh birthday my mother solemnly presented me a colorful box with a desired inscription «Kitty». I was so happy at that moment! I opened a box with shaking hands, peeped into the cherished case…and burst into tears. There WAS a kitten. A clockwork one.
 My dream came true only last year, on my 19th birthday. Before buying a cat my mother and I rummaged through the Internet to know all the possible information about these creatures. Do you know that there are more than 70 breeds of cats in the world? And every breed has its own character and habits? Not to speak about colors.
At last, I set my choice on The British Shorthair. Plush, clumsy and tiny bears were looking at me from every photo. At the same time, the adult Britishers were surprised by their size and royal serenity. The question about the kitten’s gender wasn’t even discussed. I wanted a girl-cat because one more man in our family would be a little catastrophe.
The kitten was like its fellows on the pictures. The Little lady adapted to the new place very quickly and immediately settled down on my mother’s pillow. But the princess still didn’t have any name.

Believe me, to choose the appropriate name for a pet is an incredibly difficult process which includes your knowledge, fantasy and strong nervous system. Many people give the names to their cats on the hoof. Owing to this fact, our world is full of Barsiks, Vasyas, Mashkas and etc. Of course, there are several Archibalds, Beladonnas, Kleopatras and even  Afinas. I personally know one naughty Aristotle and one black Darth Vader (his owner is obsessed about Star Wars).
No doubt, the girl, whose hamster’s called Merlin in honor of the famous wizard (or the famous musician Merlin Manson), couldn’t deprive the kitten of this priviledge. In any case, she was nicknamed Taira.
Cats are so mysterious and unpredictable. My family and I could personally be convinced of it when our Taira magically turned into…a boy! Ta-dam! But I wasn’t upset, because our Teddy bear or Ted, as we called him, is a cattish Mr. Right.
I can say with confidence, that this little creature has changed our life. I don’t mean a thick layer of hair on the carpet and furniture, or a torn –to- shreds sofa, or scratched arms and legs, or loud mewing in the early morning. I mean warm purr in the evening, fat and soft cheeks, velvety pads, speechless love and devotion. Don’t believe people who say that cats are unemotional! They can be sad and take offence, forgive and rejoice, they can give and receive love.
Our miracle is one year old now. He is a self-reliant, seven-kilo boy with the infectious Cheshire smile, a favourite of my family and our neighbours.

You may ask me what the purpose of my story is and I answer you - I want to make the readers smile as my cat does all the time. And remember: if you don’t like cats – you haven’t found your Cat yet.


  1. I'm fond of your article! While reading I was smiling from the very beginning to the very end :)
    Honestly, I strongly prefer dogs to cats (as I'm a dog-owner more than 10 years). But there is something in your column that made change my personal opinion. The main conclusion I made for myself is that people shouldn't divide cats ang dogs because they all need our love and care. They are all-important for us, human beings, and some of us can't even imagine their lives without pets! For instance, my aunt is crazy about cats. She has her own collection of pictures, toys, mini-statues and throw-over calendars with cats. And of couse, she can't do wihout her favourite Richard (who is also The British Shorthair). I believe, it's a kind of cat-mania, but this disease doesn't need any treatment :)

  2. Thanks for your article. You have a good sense of humour!)
    To tell the truth, I am not fond of cats and I strongly prefer dogs to cats as Ann. Maybe it depends on the year I was born (1994 - Dog year).
    But I know a lot of people who are crazy about cats and have more than three at home. For me it is impossible to have so many pets because of the smell and the mess in my house. I can't understand how my cousin loves rats. Moreover, she has for about 10 white creatures with long pink tails! My grandparents have a dog, I like to play with it but I can't imagine what does it mean to take care of this friendly dog every day. When I see sleepy eyes of my Granny, I understand that this lovely dog brings a lot of trouble.
    As for me I have never had a pet. When I asked parents for a dog, they bought me a big dog for my birthday. But it was a TOY! When I asked them again, they gave me a book about different kinds of dogs. When I wrote a letter to Father Frost, he sent me a film about Beethoven (St.Bernard). After that I gave up that idea.
    I believe everyone has his own preferences, including pets. Because of this, the choice of a pet depends on temper of a person and his lifestyle)

  3. I love your article very much, as it deals with pets, which are perhaps the most adorable and remarkable. I am a cat lover myself so I know what it means to have a cat at home: they almost always become the equal members of the family. Being the owner of several cats I would like to say that each of them has unique character (just like we have) and manners.
    I totally agree that a person who doesn't love cats hasn't found his cat yet. Or his cat hasn't found him.=)

  4. You chose the right article,because many people love cats and go mad about them. On the internet we can see many pictures or videos with fluffy funny cats and their incredible tricks. Overwhelming attention is drawn to them. I'm truly fan of CATS and that's why it was pleasure for me to read your article. During the childhood every child wishes puppy or kitten on birthday and ,of course, parents don't want to buy them. They find many reasons not to buy any pets such as allergy, dirt from animals and daily cares. I had and have still the same wish, which couldn't come true. But your article gave me confidence that I should find my own little creature as you did.
    I am glad that you discovered this miracle, which changed your life. Now he is like your faithful friend over the years.

  5. Thanks a lot for your article! I adore cats too much, and I have my little Balinese cat at home. She is already aprox 14 years old, but she is still little for me :)
    I absolutely agree that pets are members of our families. Also, pets bring some brightness and happiness to our lives. For example, if I come to my room before sleep, and my cat is lying in the middle of my bed, it means that today I'm sleeping on the floor :)
    I think that it's good that you choose this theme for your article, because it'll make dog's ownerы believe that the cat is a pet too. The world isn't restricted by dogs. Moreover your article is so funny, so I was smiling during the reading.
    Thanks a lot again, I will hope, that someday everybody will find their Cat :)

  6. Your article is real interesting for me, because I also like cats. I think they are good friends even if most of them are independent. My childhood was connected with my grandmother's cat Masha. And I may say that she was realy kind and smart cat. It's quite interesting that we were born in the same year and when I was a child she was always with me. When I cried she came to me or even purred. I loved her. Now I don't have neither cats nor dogs, because my parents don't want anybody. But I dream to have a British Shorthair cat, but other color. I think it's great to have a friend which will wait for you every day.

  7. Thanks a lot for your article!You really make me smile.))It's a very positive and amusing article! I like that it is based on your personal experience - the article is very convincing. And ,of course, it's unique story, it was so interesting to read it and only guessing what would be next). And I think you wrote lively so the article completely grabs my attention.
    As for me, I have 4 cats and one dog. And I must say that all of them give me a lot of joy and happiness)).

  8. I' m touced with your article.) I'm owner of the dog and reading your words about true friends, I hear into them myself. I really often argued with my friends about it untill my sister became the owner of the plump lump. This cat as well as your is won my heart. It is a nice article, reading that I feel like saying: "Yes, it is, I have so many examples in confirmation of your words! My familiar doesn't like cats untill he has made his Bunny! .... Oh! an appropriate name... The name of my best friend's kitty is Cat!" and etc.
