Saturday 7 December 2013

Creating the Resembling, Resembling the Great.

It’s more than half an hour as my younger sister switched on our PC and she’s been looking for another piece of information for her domestic task on History. ”Click-click!” Quickly she finds out what was happening during the WWII. The tired and sleepy printer mourns unwillingly and then pushes out some sheets of paper with names and dates on them. You can see here even the map which covers in detail the process of this or that battle.
Now it’s time for the break. After reading and learning by heart several chapters in the student’s book she decides to visit her page “Vkontakte”. Her little accurate fingers are searching for necessary letters on a virtual keyboard on the screen of her tablet while she tries to log in. Small but convenient gadget helps often to keep on touch with others almost everywhere we are at this or that moment.
The noise of the computer is still heard from the room. I go to switch it off.
It’s rather a big machine, bulky a bit, consisting of many parts which we use for numerous purposes, rather complicated. And – big.

 The latest devices of nowadays are much smaller, their size is that of the book even thinner. Times change, humans invent more and more gadgets, simple outside and complicated in their core.
Just imagine a monitor or a keyboard working without that huge block, which bears the proud name “Brain”. Yes, it supports and provides the functions of the other PC parts. Funny thing, earlier I thought the monitor is the essential part of any computer. In reality it only reflects the process of working on the computer, just like our appearance and deeds mirror our essence, character, thoughts, relations…
Times change. As some years have already passed, I’ve got a small collection of various gadgets, which were birthday gifts or which I bought myself. Several phones (as a birthday rule, I’ve received a phone every 3 years), a notebook, a tablet.  And the main computer, which is for all. It’s interesting to follow the changes in the gadgets. Further – more perfect. And smaller.  And smarter.  Humans create more and more devices and they do it quicker and quicker. It’s even fashionable now to change phones for more up-to-date ones, maybe not for their functions, memory, cameras but for stylish design, for mark and price. In our times it’s not surprising to see a small child with the iPhone. People chase the products which are not only the result of technical progress but the part of marketing. People are mad about their devices. People replace their memory and capabilities by those of their perfect gadgets. People refuse to communicate in real life by means of virtual reality. People forget books…
Though we must understand that everything is relative in this world and we can’t judge what is better or worse now in comparison with previous decades, centuries, we can’t moralize without looking properly through historical times… At least many educated persons use their gadgets to read or write books or create beautiful pictures (known as computer graphics). Maybe, these books and works of art are technically weaker unlike their predecessors in the case of how save and keep them – the more perfect a device is, the more it is capricious and fragile; but, surely, people will find or invent a method how to store information on electronic carriers.


Times change. People explore, invent, develop, create… What was unusual, unbelievable and bizarre a century ago is quite habitual nowadays. And on the contrary – it’ll be strange to imagine how people would use airships, old-time trains and cars, and what is more – huge machines which occupy space equal to football field, weigh almost 40 tons and work not so quickly – in their everyday life. People seek new discoveries to make their life easier and safer in different ways and to know more about the world around. The space of our knowledge becomes wider, but the horizon of cognition is still far from us, even more farther, as a cleverer and moreover wiser human understands the absence of cognoscibility  of the world, of the Cosmos and the Universe.
They are experimenting with devices, test them, and improve. Perhaps in the future, closest or farthest, we will see the fruits of infinite searching. A robot will be our best helper. Humans can’t reach far planets themselves – the robots will be able.
And what if they become uncontrolled? What if we leave them for themselves suddenly? What if the results of our creation would be the new race which would inhabit the planet and turn it out to a new world, strange for people of this Old World?
This delirium seems to be brought on by fantastic films or novels. It’s possible that reasonable machines will “conquer” the solid part of our life and help us to save more time and strength for business, entertainment, discoveries and more inventions (!), but even if they would replace mankind totally, this would happen not so soon as many of us tend to think. It’s more possible that mankind itself can erase them from Earth by means of various “perfect” weapons – in any time. Maybe I am too realistic concerning invading our old poor planet by robots or even aliens.
There is another thing that interests me. The fact is that people tend to create. Everything we made, if it is constructive or not, was created by us.
A human, while creating something, orientates on living world or, if further, on himself. Notice that many things surrounding us remind something which exists in nature, suppose we this or not when creating. Fabric reminds us about spider net; paper is made not only by humans, but also by wasps; plain wings resemble dragon-fly wings; tanks in some manner are like mechanized turtles; even such phenomenon as Internet can be considered as human-made inheritor of the spider’s web as it tights people and “sticks” them to the screens of their PC monitors, tablets, etc.
And what about computers, about which it was written above? We create them, improve them and make them more convenient and smarter. When we make another new model we orientate on ourselves to create the clever machine, which will be our helper and in some sense companion. The numerous terms (or their equivalents) which we use to describe the structure of the device can also be somewhat applicable for humans or their occupations at least. It’s incontestable that we try to recreate the reasonable creature similar to us.
Everything we create is similar to us and our world.
In general we all create. Scientists, travelers, writers, artists, actors and even ordinary people tend to create. All we are Creators in our own way.
Religion says about the Creation which started it all. The human was its highest form, as he was the reflection of God. His inheritor on the beautiful Earth of the Old Times
I can’t say that I am too much into creationism, but probably it could explain that what the science can’t.   Maybe some inner disbelief and contradictions don’t let me to be in solidarity with creationists’ ideas…

We pass through different stages of creation from the very birth.
We start creating early in childhood. Children, perhaps, are the wisest creators in the human’s world. When adults fail to understand the world and id give it their new-born creations, children already have answers to many questions of eternity. By means of the play, their capability to learn about world and create their own world through games and toys. I have already remembered a verse from an old horoscope magazine. It sounded like:
Как наш Творец-дитя, играя, создал миры,
Так дети начинают свой путь, вдыхая жизнь в игрушки…
People like to create parallel worlds. These worlds are shown in books people write, pictures they draw and everything in culture people create and keep. The latest manifestation of mankind-created worlds is virtual reality, which slow but sure transforms into the real world alternative. A lot of us know the term “hyperreality”, which meaning is inability of consciousness to distinguish the simulation of the reality from the reality itself; it happens mainly in post-modern societies of now. People are closed in their own created worlds, where they are gods, rulers, emperors of all time.
Can’t it happen that our real world is somebody’s  else hyperreality and the result of His imagination? Can’t it be that all we create in our minds is real somewhere as the product of our imagination?  This is where Creationism ideas can work and science is in most cases helpless. Each smallest part of this world, each atom can be called microuniverse; macro- and micro- are connected, so we deal with Great multiuniverse…
It sounds crazy from the ordinary person plunged in the daily routine, but haven’t we experienced philosophical nostalgia during which we understand our nonentity and greatness at the same time?  If we can imagine the existence of Non-being ,why can’t it come to its existence and to be parallel to Being?
It’s possible that we, while inventing perfect human-like creations in the image of modern computers and other machines, create side by side parallel reality by means of virtual images, created in their turn with the help of our gadgets, which are only instruments of our creation process and which are minimal form of anthropologic evolution if compare with the whole universe of virtual reality. Step by step humans try to repeat the Great Something which is called Creation in our language. Perhaps without understand it we try to go the way He, somebody named our Father, who started It by chance or premeditated, was going then.  We try to reach our divine roots.
That’s possibly why all we create resembles us in some degree. And we resemble the Great in some manner.


I was going to switch off our computer when some kind of mood, maybe the philosophical nostalgia seized me for a moment. Different pictures from nowhere suddenly appeared in my mind, while a rumble of something lonely for a couple of minutes cut me off the reality and made me forget everything around for just an instant.

Later I wondered what it was. Maybe that was a kind of enlightenment. Or simply fatigue.
We don’t know about the nature of these very moments which suddenly happen. We just go our way. We repeat the Great History step by step.

1 comment:

  1. Your feature touches upon a very serious problem: People and Technology. While I was reading your article, I remembered a fantastic film "Terminator". But what if in the future it stops to be a fantasy of the director and becomes a reality? And in your feature you examine this problem and the problem of the modern technology in general. I like the lines in Russian, but I couldn`t understand - is it your own thought or not?
    And I also like the introduction and conclusion of your feature, it`s like a kind of lyrical digression.
