Sunday 8 December 2013

Under the same roof
   Early morning. An unknown place, unknown people, scurrying around with big bags, suitcases. And we are waiting for an unknown girl, who promised to meet us. After some time we see a girl, she is smiling and waving to us. Soon we find ourselves at her huge light kitchen. We drink tea with cheese sandwich, tell her about our journey a bit, but we will have an opportunity to chat later, and now she has to go to work, so she gives us her key to the flat and leaves us. Welcome to Kiev.
   Midday sun is scorhing. A mountain village. We are on the road and we need some place to stay. The family, living on Abrikosovaya street (amazing name, isn’t it?) is waiting for us. A two-storied house with wonderful green garden. Again we drink tea, but this time with honey and fritters, laugh and chat as If  we've known each other for ages. Welcome to Simferopol.
  Late evening. We are sitting on the grass, after hitch-hiking for several hours, waiting for the bus which will bring us to the house we need.  Later we are in a big flat, where other travelers meet us and fill cups for us with Turkish tea. Welcome to Kharkov.
  How is that possible? The answer is Couchsurfing. All that you need is the Internet and desire to go somewhere. To be hosted by somebody from CS doesn’t mean just come for a night or more, like we do that in hotels. It means to become part of one family for some time, to share something with each other. Culture, traditions, experience, hobbies, interests, opinions and, after all, food and the roof above your head. Also you can get advice where to go in this city, or even better – you can go together to discover some places, to meet a lot of different and unusual people. Sometimes nobody knows a city better than a CS member and you might have an opportunity to visit place which you would never even hear about without a CS member.
   Once a traveler from the USA said me: “the best thing in CS is that you never know completely who will open the door and what you will do together”
   Of course, if it is possible to be a guest, it is also possible to host other people from all over the world. Every guest could change your life, and who knows – you could be the best friends later.
  My first experience in hosting was the day when I decided to host five girls from Poland at once. Somebody could say it is too many, but despite this fact I accepted their request. It was wonderful days we spent together and great experience. It is strange but after a year other five people from Poland wanted to come (not that Poles are able to travel only in a group of five, it was just a coincidence, I think), and I again decided to host them. This time I couldn't even thinkof refusing them. My flat turned into some magic place, filled with Polish songs, films, stories about everything; we cooked together, played some games, sang and danced.
  Couchsurfing is a amazing thing, it destroys stereotypes and makes believe that there are still a lot of wonderful kind people, and our world is not so bad as it could be seen from TV, newspapers and other media. CS is for those who can open their heart to unknown people. It is soul of any travel, if you are still able to believe in kindness of the people. If you are not, try and you will
XI International film festival first time in Tula
The XIth International festival of military films named after YU.N. Ozerova take takes place in Tula from 16 to 20 October.
It is the first Russian festival of Patriotic film, which emerged on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Every year the organizers choose a new city for carrying out of this festival, and Tula hosts it for the first time.
The main program includes fiction, documentary and animated films made by filmmakers in the world. About 70 films from different countries will be presented, such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, India, Israel, China, USA, Finland, Montenegro, and Norway.

"Tula is region famous for its samovars, gingerbreads and also armourer, that's why our starship trooper landed on the Tula land this year", - said Oleg Ugrumcev, the president of the festival.

Films will be showed  in the cinema Albany, as well as in Yasnaya Polyana and the Philharmonic.
The XIth film festival is the biggest for all time of its existence. Moreover, it is available for to all viewers: entrance to the festival is free. 

Visual writing

Early morning. Only several people are standing in the queue. A brightly painted woman with high old-fashioned coiffure is followed by a granny dressed in a shabby overcoat. She is trying to make out a price-list and constantly setting straight her spectacles.
"That buiscuit in a box, is it tasty?" busily asks the woman.
"We have it for the first time , we still haven't opened it" saleswoman just has time to say, and at that moment the other one comes running, with a funny ponytail. She jumps up and rubs her hands like a child, waiting impatciently for her birthday present.
"I want to taste it so much! I was waiting to opening this box! Will you buy it? Will you?"
The woman looks doumbfounded, purses her lips, but agrees, and the saleswoman comes running with contented expression to the box. Anyhow she cuts it with scissors and takes one buiscuit.
"Just smell that!" she exclaims and passes it in front of the other saleswoman's nose. Then she passes it in front of the brightly painted woman and the smell of cinnamon scaters in the air. At last the smell flies to the granny. "I want this buiscuit, too!" she exclaims.
At that moment another one woman comes in. She is close-cut, dressed in sport clothers and has a slightly male gait. Right away she notices hullabaloo near the box and asks, what it is. "It's an apple buiscuits!" the granny gaily informs her, tearing package by her finger and taking one to try. They all look happy and constantly deeply breathe in that smell of apple and cinnamon. Little morning Christmas.

Dinner hour.
I was sitting at the table. My mom was cooking something very tasty. I realized that I felt the smell of crispy crust, it seems, it was a chicken. Mom turned off the water and began to open the package "S-sh S-sh" sound of rustling has always annoyed me. She took a strange -smelling grass. The smell was heavy, but enjoyable, even a little sweet. It’s something between fresh cutting grass and mint. I listened to the rhythmic tapping knife on the chopping board.

"Buuuurg" my stomach rumbled from such a large number of odors in the air. "Wait a bit", said my mother. I nodded, and at the same moment the smell of olive oil burst into kitchen. Mom opened the lid pans and the sound "firing" rocked the whole kitchen "Srhchsrhchch". Mom turned off the gas and the chicken was ready. The kitchen was quiet, I went to the radio and turned it on. "I need to know now, know now. Can you love me aga-a-ain? "- sang John Newman.  "Sit down," - said my mom and we started dinner.

Ukrainian boiling cauldron.

Ukraine did not stop shaking from the opposition rallies about two weeks. Huge crowds gathered on the main streets of Kiev and all due to the fact that on November 21 the Ukrainian government announced the suspension of association with the EU. This caused a lot of resentment among the population of Ukraine.

I recall the action taking place in Ukraine in 2004-2005, and find an almost identical situation. Ukrainian citizens were dissatisfied with the results of the elections and staged rallies. This is called “the Orange Revolution”.
And what now? “Column of several thousand opposition blocked all entrances to the government building in Kiev, "Interfax-Ukraine".
According to the agency, most of the protesters stopped in front of the main entrance to the building. Behind the column movement block cars supporters of integration with the EU.”
People are trying to overthrow the ministers. They break and destroy everything. Moreover, they are divided into two large groups: one for joining the EU, the other against. But there is a huge problem - if the opposition decides to overthrow the government, the country will turn into chaos.
As a result, the country will be in the economic crisis, unemployment will rise, and hence the level of crime, too. Ukraine will come to dire times.
“The President stressed that the actions of opposition aim to disrupt the current government. Putin also suggested that the events taking place in Ukraine indicate that Yanukovych opponents: have no control over the social processes in the country, or protests - cover for extremist goals. In addition, the Russian leader expressed the view that the so-called "Evromaydan" is no revolution, apparently it is destruction. According to Putin, the events in the central streets of Kiev have little connections to Ukraine and the EU.”
What does the EU think about it? It calls on the Government of Ukraine to avoid violence. EU administrators say their "doors" are open to the government and the opposition, who are not opposed to integration. This is obvious, for the EU it will only have a positive impact.
European Parliament President Martin Schulz said:
 “We have two kinds of interlocutors, the government representing the country but also the opposition, which is part of the nation. If you keep a door open, you keep it open not for one, but for both”
“Support for the mass protests has come from a surprise quarter. Three previous post-Soviet presidents of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, Viktor Yushchenko and Leonid Kravchuk have all expressed “solidarity” with peaceful rallies.”
So, the Ukrainian government is going to make the right choice. But there is one condition that makes the Government of Ukraine doubt. This is gas. President Vladimir Putin is doing everything to he can to prevent that country from developing closer ties with Europe – even threatening to cut off the gas that the country needs to get through the winter.
“The prospect of signing an association agreement with the European Union, and on the other hand the pressure from Moscow on Kiev to participate in a union with them has plunged the Ukrainian government into a difficult predicament.
‘Now after the “no” to the Association Agreement and while the popular movement continues – and I repeat it continues – their predicament has deepened. The current leader President Yanukovych and the government of Prime Minister Azarov are trying to find a way of justifying themselves and saying that the negotiations are still ongoing.
‘We will see if this is true in the coming days and above all we are waiting to see what kind of response will come from the European Union and to see if will still place its trust in Kiev.””

I can’t imagine how much time it will take Ukraine to make a choice, but I can certainly say that this choice is very important for every Ukrainian.

Patriotism is only a label?

We all know the word “patriotism”. The dictionary defines patriotism as a moral and political principle, social sense, the content of which is the love to the Homeland and the willingness to subordinate its interests to your own.
So how modern people can determine the concept of "patriotism"? A small survey that was made as part of the topic, revealed the following results: the majority of respondents said that patriotism is the love to the country, protection of country’s honor and people. However, when I asked the question about the manifestation of patriotism in action, many participants prefer to avoid answering. It became clear that the idea of patriotism for the people is only an idea, something idealistic. Is it really possible to consider that a man is a patriot if he knows its definition?
For example, a person lives in our country, thinks that he is a patriot, shouts about duty to the Motherland in different directions. And what other people do? Try to admire! "Look, he is a patriot!". Just wanted to ask, "What have you done for the country to wear such an important title?"
Why are we talking about patriotism when young people struggle to escape a military duty?
Why are we talking about patriotism when people ignore the cultural heritage of their country? Now it's normal to paint Nazi symbols on the monuments that are devoted to the heroes of The Great Patriotic War. It’s the excellent indicator of disrespect to the past of the nation, isn’t it?
Why are we talking about the patriotism when people stop loving their native language? They are doing their best to get it out of their lives and use foreign words as often as possible. Look, we are surrounded by shops, travel agencies and companies having the most incredible names. More and more people, especially young people, speak a specific language, using countless loanwords. For example, words such as: VIP, coffee-break, boyfriend, second-hand so tightly come into our life that we consider them as our own. But the language is one of the main components of the national culture.
Let’s imagine what will happen when we forget our native language, destroy all the cultural achievements and stop to be responsible for our actions. The country where you were born, where you live as a result of inactivity of people will transform into a weak and disorganized system without respect, pride and responsibility.
What do we really wish for such a unique country with the centuries-old history? Is it really the future that great writers and poets wanted for our country, when they praised it in their works?
We must not forget the citizens of what country we are. Our heroic past, difficult present and hope for the better future should unite us and move forward to high goals.
In the evening
Lisa put down her pen, rose from the chair and quickly disappeared behind the door. There were a rustling of packets and ringing of china cups. The kettle was whistling. A few minutes later she came back with а colorful tray where beautiful cups with fragrant ginger tea were standing. Transparent vases were filled with golden honey and bright red jam. I pushed the textbooks away. In the dark window, under the neon lights the white snow was circling. It sprinkled in the yard, lay down on parked cars, trees and passers-by that were hurrying home. Lisa comfortably took a seat on a green couch. A gray cat climbed into her lap. The soft light streamed into the room, a quiet atmosphere was favorable for interesting conversation and enjoyable evening.
The War of the Giants
What will major high-tech corporations in the world be ready to do in the struggle for sympathy prize - a generous share of the world market? It is difficult to imagine where the fantasy of developers will lead the modern world of communications.
   South Korean industrial group Samsung ranked third part worldwide smartphone market. According to Strategy Analytics, in 3Q 2013 about 251 million smartphones were sold worldwide. Samsung owned 35% of these. The American company Apple, the main competitor of the South Korean giant, in the third quarter of 2013, sold 33.8 million iPhones. The market share of Apple smartphones sold dropped from 16% to 13%.
   LG, the South Korean chaebol??, fourth-largest financial-industrial group, also joined to the five leaders.  
   In October this year, Samsung announced the release of a smartphone with a bent display.
   Device called the Galaxy Round has a bent OLED-display diagonal of 5.7 inches.  As for the other characteristics: thickness - 7.9 mm, weight - 154 grams, the camera - 13 megapixels, the operating system - Android 4.3, RAM - 3 GB, as well as quad-core processor with a frequency of 2.3 GHz. The company immediately announced its merit and noted itself as an earliest explorer of this innovation.
   In turn, LG put on the market smartphone G Flex with bent display, 6-inch OLED-screen, quad 2.26GHz processor Snapdragon 800, 2GB RAM, 13 megapixel camera and a battery capacity of 3,500 mAh. Despite the recent release of Samsung product, LG announces its device as "the first in the world" real" bent smartphone."
   The U.S. leader, Apple did not lay to shelves the news about the possible release of 'bent' smartphone. According to a recent statement of the CEO, Apple is going to release a new smartphone models every six months in 2014.
   What is the advantage of the new design to the classic form? And does it exist at all?
Alexander, 19, “The phone has very beautiful case and excellent characteristics. If it will have different colors, it can become a sales leader.”
Alexandra, 20, “But I like it! I like how it feels in your hand I’m all for such oddities.”
   The phone attracts the attention of potential buyers with an attractive design, but its convenience and necessity question as a whole.
Denis, 19, “Well, I do not like it. What about me, a phone is necessary to surf the Internet and play games, and with such screen it will be very uncomfortable. As for advantages, I think it will be easy to use such smartphone solely with one hand; the thumb freely reaches the opposite side of the display. But I do not get in button on a flat screen, and on this one I all the more press two… So, I would not buy it definitely.”
   The representatives of companies can hardly substantiate the positive aspects of the new case. They refer to different kinds of eases every possible way. For example, this smartphone perfectly sits in your hand, follows the contour of the face, which creates good audibility during talking, and reduces the glare when you are watching the video. What do you think about new advances in eases? Hardly you will run to exchange your plane smartphone for a newbie with such a weak promo action.
   It is assumed that the case carries no actual purpose, and industrial giants only elbow, so to bite off a larger piece of the pie, expand the niche in the global market.
Yana, 19 says she has “mixed feelings about the latest modification, the most alarming fact that the producers do not know themselves what this new case of smartphone is for.
- I do not like it just from an aesthetic view, even though the characteristics of it are worthy, and not the fact that it would be easy to use., she says.
   Or, they are pursuing a much more noble purpose. Perhaps not far off, when we will fold up the phone as a piece of paper, and man frees some space in his pocket for what? Wads of money? Keychain? I don't think so. The fact that a mobile phone will soon replace credit cards, tickets and what not is no doubt.
   So very soon you will protect your phone against any attempts of another penetration, because spy things from our favorite movies are already near. Here you have a retinal scan, here you can introduce pictures to another plane??, inexhaustible battery, voice assistant and the other gadgets – all in one. Is this not the Batman's arms?

Visual writing task

   I sit in a yellow taxi. There are a lot of empty seats inside. I give money to a driver. The interior is dirty and smells of gasoline. Two men take the seats next to the driver. They are talking. The roar of the engine drowns out their voices. It is sunny outside the window.  Small private houses flash one after the other. The taxi stops. A heavyset tall man comes in. It turns out that he is familiar with the driver. The man calls him Misha. The driver is about 50. He has gray curly hair. He is a man of few words and focuses on the road. We are at the stop Moscow outpost. In the window I see the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The sun is reflected in its domes. The doves swarm in the courtyard. Two women of retirement age come in hardly in the cabin. After paying the fare, they look at each other and smile. One of them wears a jacket and a barret the color of Dalmatians. Another is in a simple blue coat and a knitted hat. The first woman’s phone rings .
- I'm coming, I’m bringing warm socks and sneakers for you. Get ready. ... What sweater? It is cold outside! No, I said it all!
Everyone smiles. The tall man throws his word: "Young Pioneer camp”. The second woman lights up and decides to start a conversation.
- My grandson is 19, and doesn’t want to listen to anything.
- I have a granddaughter, 14 years old. They are hefty adults now. All of them are know-it-all. Her mother is a scum. She puts her on me. One gives birth to six children and won’t give up. And she gave birth to one and goes on the bottle.
The man raises his voice:
- It is necessary to apply for termination of parental rights.
- So she is deprived. I am the only foster parent. I've been bringing her up straight! When she starts to cajole something, I answer - Go to ass! You will do what I say till you’re 18. I have a retiring pension of 9000 rubles, and does the State help? ... I’m paid peanuts!!! The school is the source of continuous extortion! Only for window I paid 3000 rubles. And there are 27 pupils in the class. What are the windows made of? Gold or what? It's okay. The teacher’s father died, the rector began to whip out money on funeral! What is that?!  The girl demands yet: "The State pays me the benefit, you have to give it to me!» She wants ... I want lots too, that! I want to insert the teeth myself. So what? I want too!
A woman, with whom she talked, comes out. One stop the cabin is quiet. The phone rings again.
- Hello. You stupid ... like a sheep! I told you that? You're wearing what? The new jacket and boots? And what do you want from me? Shut up and wait, I'm going!
The taxi turned into the avenue. I came out.

Art and Magic Creators.

Colored and variegated dresses swirl on the shining parquet. Lively eyes eagerly look at the scene. All are waiting  for a real show. And now the first chords of hot and passionate Latina grab everyone's attention and set up the spirit of the evening. Young people move in unison with these sounds, as if they blend into one in the rhythm of the dance. Then older pairs appear and the audience with sinking heart catch their every sliding on the parquet. Everything is just in one moment, in one minute, in one dance.
On November 21 the contest "Autumn Ball" was held in Tula - the ballroom dancing competition which united the dancers of different ages and categories. A huge number of organizers, participants, their relatives and audience were received in TSU sports building that day. The festive atmosphere didn't leave this huge and dazzling competition hall for a moment. You could see everything here - laugh, tears, nervousness, bitterness of the defeats and delight of the victories. This event didn't leave anybody indifferent. Where else can you find so many sparks in the eyes, so much drive and so much emotions?
There were a lot of participants from different towns, they were doing their best during this contests to show their skills and aspirations for the victory. Each participants brought a piece of themselves, a piece of their soul in the dance. Tula contestants from 7 ball schools were performing brilliantly. They took part in all the nominations and won the prizes in each one.
Participants' parents were not less nervous and uneasy than their children."It's the first performance on the big stage for my son, - says Natalya Ageeva, Egor's mother, who's a participant in the category "Baby", - he is dancing in a pair, I am worrying for him a lot and, of course, I hope for the prize!"
Someone will accept only victory. "We came from Orel for this competition, - says a grandmother of Alisa Cherednikova, one of the participants in the pair category "Baby", - my granddaughter has already participated  in the contests and became a winner and now we are also expecting to win!"
If you go backstage, you'll see a crowd of people, preparing for the competition. They are a bit nervous, rush around the room. Several persons look for the costumes, others rehearse their dances... One children pair seems to freeze waiting for their turn. And what does it mean to dance professionally at this early age? Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, balance - it's not a complete list of advantages. Parents admire their beloved child who can move and dance better than others. Besides it's a very useful way to entertain them. But what do children think? Do they also like this kind of activity like parents do? "I am dancing because I love it," - tells Sonya. She is 9 and she started dancing at the age of 7. "My mother also likes it and she brought me to the dance school,- she continues, - sometimes it's so difficult but I make an effort."
I remember when I started dancing in my childhood. It took up all my spare time. I liked moving, trying to do something new, to do movements better than others. I dreamed of being a popular dancer on TV and performing on stage. And when I stepped in front of the audience first time I was full of emotions and feelings which were impossible to put into words. I loved dance with all my heart. And still do it. And now during this contest I feel the same emotions as if I am also performing on this stage.
5 year-olds are taking part in the category “Baby”, many of them are not inferior to their older colleagues in mastery. They illuminate  the scene and everything around like small lights, inspire others with their energy. Not a drop of nervousness on their faces – only easiness, joy and pleasure with what is going on. Then the older contestants appear. They present their category in a worthy – bright, sprightly manner, so that you want to catch their spirit and dance in this dizzy steam of emotions. And finally, the adults create the whole show on the stage like real actors, glancing vividly, moving as if they were merged with the melody.  “Fiery” rhythms involve them in this avalanche of feelings and passions.
For all these people dance is a self-expression, a whole life that they live within a few minutes on stage. And it’s not so important whether you win the first prize or get only a certificate of participation, the main thing is to show for a few moments what you have been studying for a long time, how much work and energy you’ve put into this, how sincerely you’re devoted to it, how you love it with your whole heart. And the people around sink with delight, with sensations transmitted miraculously to them from the dancers – these infinite rays of energy, drive and joy, the creators of art and magic.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Motcheva Ulyana

Saturday 7 December 2013

Top 5 Ways To Prepare For New Year 2014

If you don’t want to be tormented by the one and only desire - to sleep on December 31 at 23.00, then it is necessary to spend well New Year 2014 and time before the holiday. Here are some tips of advice to prepare for New Year 2014 – learn!

Who knows whether the principle ‘with whom you meet New Year – with them you will spend it’ works out or not, anyway it won’t be fun to celebrate New Year ‘The Horse 2014’, with people unpleasant to you. One thought of it is capable to kill a festive spirit. Therefore, do not call unwanted guests and do not overpay for invitation to a party with repellent people. How to spend New Year 2014? I will prompt: spend New Year with darlings and close people in the pleasant cheerful company!

To spend the holiday eve while cutting salads and watching ‘Irony of Fate’ is the real crime. You can watch TV other 364 days a year! Order food and put on warmer clothes and go to festive celebrations! If you are too lazy, buy a disk with record of the most New Year’s ballet ‘Nutcracker’ — the positive charge is garanteed!

Personal care needs to be observed all the year round, and not just before celebration and holidays. If for someone it is news, all the same you should not register for 10 cosmetic procedures for December 30. Otherwise, race behind beauty will deprive of the last energy, and experiments with new procedures of beauty can end in an allergy. Fortunately, you receive the dose of pleasure after morning SPA and already at home you can make an easy face peeling, manicure, make-up, simple hair dressing — and you are ready to party.

To eat salad leaves and drink black coffee to get into a New Year’s dress and jewelry IS THE CLASSIC. As well as to be full with New Year’s Russian salad after midnight. That New Year 2014 did not turn into a stress for your body, you should not torture yourselves to a celebration. Pick up the size suitable for you ‘here and now’ and keep to adequate diets from which you won’t darken in eyes.
And finally…
Desire for purity is the law. But do not wash out December 31 drapes, curtains and glue wallpaper. If the apartment is yelling about cleaning, a few days before the holiday invite experts from the cleaning company - today these services are quite democratic. If more or less is alright – wipe dust and start decorating New Year’s tree with pleasure.

Visual Writing Task

Yellow leaves rustle calmly. The force of an invisible hand drives them away. Or simply - wind. Green grass keeps silent for a while. Then it moves because the wind rushes forward again. Then after this it flies away, hides in the birch leaves. The leaves tinkle slightly, some of them fall down, under the trees. Some of them are carried away to the puddles. Withered remains of the Indian summer sink in the muddy water. The far-away railway echoes  in the  close forest. Rarely the cars swish on the roadway which runs not far from the settlement, across  the gray fields. Some other noise interrupts the silence. Something, maybe an old tree, creaks; it howls lonely as the wind rushes through the cracks in its trunk. The last apple falls down after the leaves. Rains and cold spoilt it. The apple tree can't bear it anymore so it let the fruit off. The apple rolls away into the pale grass. Evening sunrays light up the empty house. Each brick grows scarlet. The wind knocks in the window glass. The air smells wet grass. Suddenly the clouds part, and the sun fully appears in its glory. The apple garden and the fields behind  it turn green. The old trunk stops howling. A bird chirps in the bushes before it sleeps in the near night. The shadows on the wall sharpen and darken. Coins of leaves glow gold as the sunrays almost rain light over the birches. The smell of the frost unexpectedly grasps the limpid air. First hoarfrost needles prick the grass, the branches and the footpath. Another night waits. Then it blackens the garden and draws silhouettes on the ink-blue October sky.

Creating the Resembling, Resembling the Great.

It’s more than half an hour as my younger sister switched on our PC and she’s been looking for another piece of information for her domestic task on History. ”Click-click!” Quickly she finds out what was happening during the WWII. The tired and sleepy printer mourns unwillingly and then pushes out some sheets of paper with names and dates on them. You can see here even the map which covers in detail the process of this or that battle.
Now it’s time for the break. After reading and learning by heart several chapters in the student’s book she decides to visit her page “Vkontakte”. Her little accurate fingers are searching for necessary letters on a virtual keyboard on the screen of her tablet while she tries to log in. Small but convenient gadget helps often to keep on touch with others almost everywhere we are at this or that moment.
The noise of the computer is still heard from the room. I go to switch it off.
It’s rather a big machine, bulky a bit, consisting of many parts which we use for numerous purposes, rather complicated. And – big.

 The latest devices of nowadays are much smaller, their size is that of the book even thinner. Times change, humans invent more and more gadgets, simple outside and complicated in their core.
Just imagine a monitor or a keyboard working without that huge block, which bears the proud name “Brain”. Yes, it supports and provides the functions of the other PC parts. Funny thing, earlier I thought the monitor is the essential part of any computer. In reality it only reflects the process of working on the computer, just like our appearance and deeds mirror our essence, character, thoughts, relations…
Times change. As some years have already passed, I’ve got a small collection of various gadgets, which were birthday gifts or which I bought myself. Several phones (as a birthday rule, I’ve received a phone every 3 years), a notebook, a tablet.  And the main computer, which is for all. It’s interesting to follow the changes in the gadgets. Further – more perfect. And smaller.  And smarter.  Humans create more and more devices and they do it quicker and quicker. It’s even fashionable now to change phones for more up-to-date ones, maybe not for their functions, memory, cameras but for stylish design, for mark and price. In our times it’s not surprising to see a small child with the iPhone. People chase the products which are not only the result of technical progress but the part of marketing. People are mad about their devices. People replace their memory and capabilities by those of their perfect gadgets. People refuse to communicate in real life by means of virtual reality. People forget books…
Though we must understand that everything is relative in this world and we can’t judge what is better or worse now in comparison with previous decades, centuries, we can’t moralize without looking properly through historical times… At least many educated persons use their gadgets to read or write books or create beautiful pictures (known as computer graphics). Maybe, these books and works of art are technically weaker unlike their predecessors in the case of how save and keep them – the more perfect a device is, the more it is capricious and fragile; but, surely, people will find or invent a method how to store information on electronic carriers.


Times change. People explore, invent, develop, create… What was unusual, unbelievable and bizarre a century ago is quite habitual nowadays. And on the contrary – it’ll be strange to imagine how people would use airships, old-time trains and cars, and what is more – huge machines which occupy space equal to football field, weigh almost 40 tons and work not so quickly – in their everyday life. People seek new discoveries to make their life easier and safer in different ways and to know more about the world around. The space of our knowledge becomes wider, but the horizon of cognition is still far from us, even more farther, as a cleverer and moreover wiser human understands the absence of cognoscibility  of the world, of the Cosmos and the Universe.
They are experimenting with devices, test them, and improve. Perhaps in the future, closest or farthest, we will see the fruits of infinite searching. A robot will be our best helper. Humans can’t reach far planets themselves – the robots will be able.
And what if they become uncontrolled? What if we leave them for themselves suddenly? What if the results of our creation would be the new race which would inhabit the planet and turn it out to a new world, strange for people of this Old World?
This delirium seems to be brought on by fantastic films or novels. It’s possible that reasonable machines will “conquer” the solid part of our life and help us to save more time and strength for business, entertainment, discoveries and more inventions (!), but even if they would replace mankind totally, this would happen not so soon as many of us tend to think. It’s more possible that mankind itself can erase them from Earth by means of various “perfect” weapons – in any time. Maybe I am too realistic concerning invading our old poor planet by robots or even aliens.
There is another thing that interests me. The fact is that people tend to create. Everything we made, if it is constructive or not, was created by us.
A human, while creating something, orientates on living world or, if further, on himself. Notice that many things surrounding us remind something which exists in nature, suppose we this or not when creating. Fabric reminds us about spider net; paper is made not only by humans, but also by wasps; plain wings resemble dragon-fly wings; tanks in some manner are like mechanized turtles; even such phenomenon as Internet can be considered as human-made inheritor of the spider’s web as it tights people and “sticks” them to the screens of their PC monitors, tablets, etc.
And what about computers, about which it was written above? We create them, improve them and make them more convenient and smarter. When we make another new model we orientate on ourselves to create the clever machine, which will be our helper and in some sense companion. The numerous terms (or their equivalents) which we use to describe the structure of the device can also be somewhat applicable for humans or their occupations at least. It’s incontestable that we try to recreate the reasonable creature similar to us.
Everything we create is similar to us and our world.
In general we all create. Scientists, travelers, writers, artists, actors and even ordinary people tend to create. All we are Creators in our own way.
Religion says about the Creation which started it all. The human was its highest form, as he was the reflection of God. His inheritor on the beautiful Earth of the Old Times
I can’t say that I am too much into creationism, but probably it could explain that what the science can’t.   Maybe some inner disbelief and contradictions don’t let me to be in solidarity with creationists’ ideas…

We pass through different stages of creation from the very birth.
We start creating early in childhood. Children, perhaps, are the wisest creators in the human’s world. When adults fail to understand the world and id give it their new-born creations, children already have answers to many questions of eternity. By means of the play, their capability to learn about world and create their own world through games and toys. I have already remembered a verse from an old horoscope magazine. It sounded like:
Как наш Творец-дитя, играя, создал миры,
Так дети начинают свой путь, вдыхая жизнь в игрушки…
People like to create parallel worlds. These worlds are shown in books people write, pictures they draw and everything in culture people create and keep. The latest manifestation of mankind-created worlds is virtual reality, which slow but sure transforms into the real world alternative. A lot of us know the term “hyperreality”, which meaning is inability of consciousness to distinguish the simulation of the reality from the reality itself; it happens mainly in post-modern societies of now. People are closed in their own created worlds, where they are gods, rulers, emperors of all time.
Can’t it happen that our real world is somebody’s  else hyperreality and the result of His imagination? Can’t it be that all we create in our minds is real somewhere as the product of our imagination?  This is where Creationism ideas can work and science is in most cases helpless. Each smallest part of this world, each atom can be called microuniverse; macro- and micro- are connected, so we deal with Great multiuniverse…
It sounds crazy from the ordinary person plunged in the daily routine, but haven’t we experienced philosophical nostalgia during which we understand our nonentity and greatness at the same time?  If we can imagine the existence of Non-being ,why can’t it come to its existence and to be parallel to Being?
It’s possible that we, while inventing perfect human-like creations in the image of modern computers and other machines, create side by side parallel reality by means of virtual images, created in their turn with the help of our gadgets, which are only instruments of our creation process and which are minimal form of anthropologic evolution if compare with the whole universe of virtual reality. Step by step humans try to repeat the Great Something which is called Creation in our language. Perhaps without understand it we try to go the way He, somebody named our Father, who started It by chance or premeditated, was going then.  We try to reach our divine roots.
That’s possibly why all we create resembles us in some degree. And we resemble the Great in some manner.


I was going to switch off our computer when some kind of mood, maybe the philosophical nostalgia seized me for a moment. Different pictures from nowhere suddenly appeared in my mind, while a rumble of something lonely for a couple of minutes cut me off the reality and made me forget everything around for just an instant.

Later I wondered what it was. Maybe that was a kind of enlightenment. Or simply fatigue.
We don’t know about the nature of these very moments which suddenly happen. We just go our way. We repeat the Great History step by step.