Saturday 10 November 2012

News piece by Anna Zhukova

The cell phone is only creature to blame for my being late for work. It literally stole one life’s hour just this morning!’
This and a thousand of other excuses along similar lines flooded the bosses’ desks throughout the Russian Federation in the morning of 27 October, 2012. If you’re still wondering whether they change the clocks in Russia or not, the answer is no, they don’t.
The spring of 2011 was the last time of changing the clocks in Russian Federation. Then The State Duma decided to stop this practice and see what happens. It opened that many people liked a new law. But still in some regions people protested against innovation. They need to extend daylight hours because of their geographical situation.
This autumn deputies broke the last hope of Krasnodar region’s residents. But they didn’t take into account all the electronic technique which have this ‘clock’s changing’ in program. That turned into the hundreds of spoiled meetings, dozens of lost hours and a great students’ disappointment.
Anyway, will the tradition of changing the clocks come back or sink into oblivion depends on the future government representatives’ opinion.
Anna Zhukova,

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