Saturday 10 November 2012

How to solve a movie

Interview and feature by Andrew Nadezhdin

Who said mathematicians aren't into good movies?
This week a group of nerds from TSPU department of mathematics & physics proved these people wrong.
You could see all kinds of nerds down there: specs-wiping-, never-cut-my-fingernails-, I've-just-finished-"Oblivion"-for-the-5th-time- boys and, what's even more frightening, girls.
What brought these outstanding and talanted people together?
Art. And this time, more particularly, a movie.
But not just a regular movie, something more than that. Some even say that it's  not a movie at all, nothing but a set of unconnected & meaningless scenes. Some, on the other hand, consider it the best US movie of all time. And, luckily, our students belong to the second group.
The movie we're speaking about is Jim Jarmush's all-time classics "Down by Law", featuring some great actors, such as experimental music legends Tom Waits and John Lurie and famous Italian director and actor Roberto Benigni.
Below: Tom Waits as Zack
This film show has opened a series of such events, that will gather all kinds of people, possibly from every faculty.
I've had a chance to speak to project's coordinator, Polina Bashkina. I'd actually call it a great luck, considering the amount of work that she has to do (hence the lack of free time), being one of the best students of the  faculty.

Me:Hi! How are you doing?
Po:Not bad! How are you?
Me:Nothing to worry about! Great to see you! So, let's start. And my first question is: How did this idea occur to you? You know, the guys from the third floor are rarely associated with such kind of activity.
Po:You see, people are as good as you think of them. I've been watching this movie every now and then since I was 14. I just like it so much! The performance, the way it's directed, everything. I really dig this movie. Once we had a conversation between the students of our department, considering our movie taste. When I mentioned "Down by Law", nobody gave any reaction. So my mind really boggled at the idea of somebody not knowing this picture.
Me:And this is when you first felt a responsibility to show it to your faculty-mates?
Me:Was it difficult to get permission for holding such an event?
Po:Well, not really. Our dean had nothing against it and head of subdepartment of Computer Science, Alexey Valerievich Yakushin, provided us with some multimedia equipment. In some way, it all became possible thanks to him.
Me:And did your friends enjoy the movie?
Po:As far as I see, yes. They've been talking about it for quite some time now. My greatest fear was that somebody might get bored, but now I can proudly state, that the whole thing was a success.
Me:Can I hope that it's not the last time our students get familiar with world cinema classics? Do you have any future plans?
Po:Yes, of course! Ideally, I'd like to do it every week. There's more than enough great movies out there, you know.
Me:And just enough great students to watch them. Thank you for your time, Polina! I'm looking forward to seeing you next time in our little cinema-club.
Po:Yes, I'm looking forward to it too. And bring your friends, everyone is invited!
Everyone, indeed. Every one of you, readers, is strongly adviced to join this little friendly community, at least for a single time. But I bet your first time won't be the last.
Let it be another great movie show.

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