Sunday 29 September 2013

By Shovkovaya Svetlana

Not all of you know that besides M. Gorky Tula State Academic Drama Theatre, there is another one wonderful place, and it is Tula Chamber Drama Theatre. Officially it was opened in 2005, but history of the theatre begun far earlier, in 1999. The actor, the artistic director and just outstanding person Aleksey Basov agreed to answer some questions.

When did the idea to create your own theatre come to your mind?
-When I understood, that there's not any theatre, which I would like to live, to exist and to work in. I can't separate my life from my work now.

When did you exactly decide for yourself, that you will become an actor?
- I had no choice (laughing). It must be said, that in my childhood I wanted to be a doctor, and a military man.

 And why such a sudden turn?
  - Because I understood that there is such a profession, which combin in itself all professions. You can play the role of a doctor, of a soldier, of a cosmonaut and anyone in fact.

What was the most difficult thing for you in studing?
- Well, to overcome my own laziness (laughing). To tell the truth, it's still difficult for me sometimes.

Did you have any person in your life, who was like an example for you?
- There were some people, who helped me to survive, if it's possible to say so. Jean-Louis Barrault, Jean Vilar... I'm not joking! For some reasons they were mainly Frenchmen. Probably it's because in France there was already the idea not only of state theatres, but also of private ones. If speaking about Russians, it was Tovstonogov.

Where do you take your inspiration from?
- I have a magic bedside-table...(laughing). Inspiration is a such thing, you know, today it's with you, and tomorrow it's not. Actually, I take it from my work, from actors, from a playwright, from my own personal emotional expirience. Even if it's something negative, it still can inspire you on something.

How do you decide what staging will be next?
- There is troupe in any theatre, and it's very important whether there are suitable actors for a staging or not. Because I can put on the stage Hamlet or anyone, but if there is not a Hamlet in theatre, I will fail.  But also it's not impossible always to think whether an actor are able to play role, or not, because in this case you can put on stage only "Kolobok"  during all your life. No matter how long you worked with actors, you will never know their abilities to the end. Sometimes it seemd that abilities are limited, and then something happend, like a flick, and an actor opens. Besides, there is such a question - have you anything to say on this theme or not. Of course we must have what to say, not only a director, but also actors.

Are you always pleased with results of your work?
- Never. I'm pleased only with some fantasies concerning my work. With foretaste,or with something what could be.

What is your biggest achivement?
- Achivment is something complete, and I have not such thing.

How much time it takes to put a perfomance on stage?
- The whole life you have lived. It's really so, it's not just words, because you put everything in it. All your impressions, all actions you have done and even have not done, but would like to. Everything bad what happened with you, everything good. All these things have an influence on a perfomance. Even if to put on a stage some play, today it is one perfomance, and after a year it will be another one. Theatre is very good thing, because it's very developing kind of art.

What is a theatre for you?
- Very difficult question. I'm afraid of high-flown words. I'd like to say it's life...Yes, even if it sounds like rants, it's still so. Life with all its manifestations, absurdities and "randomness". I don't like the word "style", but it's also a style, way of life and existence. But only not job, because a job means also a rest from that job, and it's impossible to rest from your life. Possible, of course, but far and for a long time (laughing). 


  1. I don't know many things about Tula's theatres and actor's life, that's why your interview was some kind of informative for me. I couldn't imagine that the theatre plays a big role in the actor's life. Moreover, the stage or theatre is like life for the actors. This means that these people give themselves completely to this kind of art. Their soul and mind are in harmony with the theatrical life!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for your job. I've heard about this talented actor a lot, but I've never read interview with him before. You asked Basov crucial questions, which helped to show his feelings, emotions and understand him like a person. Of course, theatre is life for every real actor! Because of this it's very interesting to read about people of this creative profession.

  4. Lana,this interview is very attractive for me! I love to go to the theater and as you remember, I visited two different plays with Basov's participation! He is the proffesional actor and of course interesting person!
    I liked the style in which you created the interview! There are no extra words of lead-in and conclusion. Undoubtedly, the main thing here is the answers, but it is also important to ask the right questions! You coped with the task! Congratulations!

  5. For actors theater is truly life. I like Tula's theater there is some special wonderful atmosphere in that place. Thank you for the interview that has interesting style. Do you like to write articles about art? As for me I find it a bit difficult.

  6. Sveta, I like your intervew a lot!There are so interesting thoughts and in it, and I am really fond of theater. I think Aleksey Basov is an extraordinary and striking person! Especially I like his point of view about choice of his profession "...I understood that there is such a profession, which combin in itself all professions. You can play the role of a a doctor, of a soldier, of a cosmonaut and anyone in fact." I even reflected upon it.Thank you a lot!
