Monday 30 September 2013

Interview with Sochi 2014 Volunteer

Egor Roschin, 19, student of MADI (State Technical University)

– How and why have you joined to the volunteer movement?
– I learnt about volunteering at my university for the first time. There is a volunteer center and many students become volunteers every year. When I learnt from my friends how awesome it is, I decided to be a volunteer too, and I didn’t regret about it at all. It brings to me lots of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions, also an opportunity to travel around the country and to get sportswear and all this is absolutely free!
– What is the most memorable experience of volunteering?
– I was a volunteer on many sports events during last year. The first and the most memorable experience was 2013 World Junior Curling Championships in one of the Olympic venues called “Ice Cube” in Sochi. I had fun there, met lots of interesting people from other countries and got acquainted with volunteers from different cities of Russia. There was a fine atmosphere, top-level organization and careful team-leaders. We lived in an excellent boarding house in the mountain area of Sochi. There was wonderful fresh air and a magnificent view of the Black Sea. On my day off I managed to get out with other volunteers to mountains to go skiing. There was an excellent weather and we spent time perfectly. It’s inexpressible feeling when the warm sea is at your feet, and in an hour you are already on the snow-covered slopes of the Caucasian ridge laps. That time in Sochi was very pleasant to me, that trip was unforgettable. Also I took part in organization of the IAAF World Championships Moscow 2013 in “Luzhniki” this summer.
– 25,000 volunteers will be involved in the Sochi 2014 Olympics. Why did you decide to be a Sochi 2014 Volunteer?
– First of all, it’s a great chance to take part in an event of global significance, to see the Games from the inside, to attend competition events and see some of the world's greatest athletes in the flesh. Also it’s gaining new experience and meeting new people.
– Who are the volunteers for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games?
Accompanying delegations, setting up information points inside hotels or at sports venues, filling in accreditation forms, helping at stadiums when events are underway, ensuring the transport system runs smoothly - it is volunteers that do all this, and plenty more besides. Volunteers help create that special Olympic atmosphere; they are the face of the Games.
– What can you tell me about selection and training of Sochi 2014 Volunteers?
Well, to become a Volunteer you must successfully pass two stages: selection and training on the chosen functional area. Personally, I’ve already passed the selection and the first stage of training. The selection was really difficult! It included the test on knowledge of English, the test for an assessment of personal qualities and abilities and the interview including questions on professional competences. As for the first stage of training, it was held in my university this spring. The course “My Games” developed by Organizing committee and the EXECT Business Training Company. At the heart of the course was the quest game during which participants went "back to the future" and learnt lots of things about Games and about Sochi, solving complex logical questions and carrying out command tasks. We got acquainted with history and values of Games, with the city of Sochi, received general idea about work on the main sporting event of a planet and key qualities of personnel of the Games, and also made virtual 3D round on the Olympic objects of Sochi. The course took 3 days. On the second course “My Work” I’ll learn the general role and problems of my function and also about rules of work and my concrete duties on Games. And some days before the Games I’ll pass the last course “My Object” directly on that Olympic object where I will work. I’ll get acquainted with the head and object team and with its features.
– What is your functional area at the Games?
My university has its own volunteer center, which should conduct preparation of volunteers in the profile direction for the university - "Transport". After training volunteers of MADI should work at all means of transport, including ropeways and electric cars. Work carried out by volunteers in this functional area is organization of vehicle parking, arranging shuttles, managing the flow of people in the directions of transport routes and so on.
– Help from volunteers will be key to the success of the 2014 Games. Do you agree with this statement?
Undoubtedly, all the volunteers play an important role in organization of the Games. We will do everything possible to hold games at high level.
– There is less than a year to go before the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. What do you expect from the coming Games?
I’m sure this grand sporting event will be an impressive page in Russian history and I’m looking forward to getting involved in it. An event like this only comes along once in a lifetime! The Games in Sochi will just be unforgettable!


  1. Olympic Games, in general,are an important event
    in the sport world. Moreover, these Games will
    take place in our country next year. To my
    mind to be a volunteer in this event is
    responsible; I think it also leaves great
    impression. It was very interesting to know
    more about the preparations for the Games
    (and particularly what means to be a volunteer)
    from such a person. Thank you for the

  2. Thanks for your positive comment! I'm glad that you love it :)

  3. It was interesting to read about selection and training for volunteers, because we always hear this word, "voluteer", but we not always know some details about that. So, it was very informative.
