Sunday 29 September 2013

Eugen Soya, a rising star of a moden poetry.

Today we are going to talk about the creativity of a modern Ukrainiane poet, Eugen Soya. My group mate and friend, Maria Urkevich, visited his concert last autumn and could  talk with him personally.

-          I’m glad that you agreed to participate in my university project. As you know, we are going to discuss your meeting with the famous Ukrainiane poet Eugen Soya. Can you tell our readers anything about the life of  E.Soya ? Where was he born? Where did he study? How did he start his career?

-          Yes, sure. Eugen was born in Odessa in a simple working family. As Soya told in some of his interviews, he started to write when he was a teenager. The themes of his first poems were love, jealousy and separation. In 2008 he decided to show his poems to the world and posted the works on the Internet, on the site «» He was really surprised that people became to read him and leave positive comments. I think it was the beginning of his popularity.

-          How can you describe his poems? I mean, what do you feel reading them?

 - Well, his poems are short but very touching. I like his rhythms and how he describes usual things in an unusual way. For example, you can admire a simple cup of coffee because of his skills.

-          It sounds fantastic! Where does he draw the inspiration from ?

-          I think, from his life, because many of his poems show the daily routine, usual things, such as morning tea, a warm rug, an interesting book.

-          And how did you know about his concert in Tula?

-          My friend showed me a poster with all the information about it. It was a great opportunity for me to speak with Soya, to listen to him.
-          I know that such concerts are very warm and friendly and there are a lot of creative people there. Tell me, please, where did this meeting take place and what atmosphere was there?
-          Oh, it was the warmest evening of that autumn. It wasn’t the usual concert, it was a home concert. We were sitting on the soft carpet, eating sweets and cookies with ginger drink. There were bright lamps with the orange lampshades, which made the room cozy and comfortable. Soya was sitting on the trestle bed and reading to us his poems from the simple black notebook. His style of declaration is rather interesting: without any difficult intonations and stresses, his speech was like a lullaby or an eternal song. And we couldn’t separate one poem from another, because they were a single whole.

-          I can imagine how great it was! And did Soya read any of your favorite poems?

-    Yes, of course. For example, the poem «Prayer», but I prefer to say about some lines not the whole poem, e.g.:
«все. что у меня есть
 это любовь, похожая на спички
 и я знаю наперед
 ее не заберет
 ни один пограничник.»

-          I agree with you, this line is beautiful. Mary, as I know, Eugen Soya talked with you after his declaration. Did he tell you any interesting stories from his life?
-          Yes, he said that he was 21, but he didn’t study at the university and wouldn’t do it in the nearest future. He devoted his life to poetry, but it’s not his job, it is a lifestyle.

-          I think, it is a very courageous step.  But will you visit his concert again if there is such an opportunity?
-          Well, I`d like to do it in 10 years to see his progress, developing of his writing style. I hope that he can save the magic of his poems.
-          I  hope so, too. Thank you very much for your attention. It was a pleasure for me to talk with you today.
By Anastasia Akulicheva


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Modern life is rather complicated
    and it's difficult even to follow it,
    however there are people who try
    make us remember about eternal
    values - and poets are such people.
    In this interview one of them is
    depicted, a poet whose rhymes are
    simple,but burning, who tries to
    show us the beauty of our life
    which we can't see ourselves
    unfortunately.Very good interview.
