Monday 30 September 2013

Interview with Sochi 2014 Volunteer

Egor Roschin, 19, student of MADI (State Technical University)

– How and why have you joined to the volunteer movement?
– I learnt about volunteering at my university for the first time. There is a volunteer center and many students become volunteers every year. When I learnt from my friends how awesome it is, I decided to be a volunteer too, and I didn’t regret about it at all. It brings to me lots of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions, also an opportunity to travel around the country and to get sportswear and all this is absolutely free!
– What is the most memorable experience of volunteering?
– I was a volunteer on many sports events during last year. The first and the most memorable experience was 2013 World Junior Curling Championships in one of the Olympic venues called “Ice Cube” in Sochi. I had fun there, met lots of interesting people from other countries and got acquainted with volunteers from different cities of Russia. There was a fine atmosphere, top-level organization and careful team-leaders. We lived in an excellent boarding house in the mountain area of Sochi. There was wonderful fresh air and a magnificent view of the Black Sea. On my day off I managed to get out with other volunteers to mountains to go skiing. There was an excellent weather and we spent time perfectly. It’s inexpressible feeling when the warm sea is at your feet, and in an hour you are already on the snow-covered slopes of the Caucasian ridge laps. That time in Sochi was very pleasant to me, that trip was unforgettable. Also I took part in organization of the IAAF World Championships Moscow 2013 in “Luzhniki” this summer.
– 25,000 volunteers will be involved in the Sochi 2014 Olympics. Why did you decide to be a Sochi 2014 Volunteer?
– First of all, it’s a great chance to take part in an event of global significance, to see the Games from the inside, to attend competition events and see some of the world's greatest athletes in the flesh. Also it’s gaining new experience and meeting new people.
– Who are the volunteers for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games?
Accompanying delegations, setting up information points inside hotels or at sports venues, filling in accreditation forms, helping at stadiums when events are underway, ensuring the transport system runs smoothly - it is volunteers that do all this, and plenty more besides. Volunteers help create that special Olympic atmosphere; they are the face of the Games.
– What can you tell me about selection and training of Sochi 2014 Volunteers?
Well, to become a Volunteer you must successfully pass two stages: selection and training on the chosen functional area. Personally, I’ve already passed the selection and the first stage of training. The selection was really difficult! It included the test on knowledge of English, the test for an assessment of personal qualities and abilities and the interview including questions on professional competences. As for the first stage of training, it was held in my university this spring. The course “My Games” developed by Organizing committee and the EXECT Business Training Company. At the heart of the course was the quest game during which participants went "back to the future" and learnt lots of things about Games and about Sochi, solving complex logical questions and carrying out command tasks. We got acquainted with history and values of Games, with the city of Sochi, received general idea about work on the main sporting event of a planet and key qualities of personnel of the Games, and also made virtual 3D round on the Olympic objects of Sochi. The course took 3 days. On the second course “My Work” I’ll learn the general role and problems of my function and also about rules of work and my concrete duties on Games. And some days before the Games I’ll pass the last course “My Object” directly on that Olympic object where I will work. I’ll get acquainted with the head and object team and with its features.
– What is your functional area at the Games?
My university has its own volunteer center, which should conduct preparation of volunteers in the profile direction for the university - "Transport". After training volunteers of MADI should work at all means of transport, including ropeways and electric cars. Work carried out by volunteers in this functional area is organization of vehicle parking, arranging shuttles, managing the flow of people in the directions of transport routes and so on.
– Help from volunteers will be key to the success of the 2014 Games. Do you agree with this statement?
Undoubtedly, all the volunteers play an important role in organization of the Games. We will do everything possible to hold games at high level.
– There is less than a year to go before the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. What do you expect from the coming Games?
I’m sure this grand sporting event will be an impressive page in Russian history and I’m looking forward to getting involved in it. An event like this only comes along once in a lifetime! The Games in Sochi will just be unforgettable!

“From rags to riches” or a story of a street dancer.

Everybody has a dream and everybody has a talent, but not all of us try to combine  these things together.
Felix Katana was just a Nairobi boy who liked to dance in the streets, but now he is a great trapeze artist and acrobat. He has done a lot, but he’s still on the way to his dream.
-          Hello Felix! It’s a great job you’ve been doing! People like your team.
-          Thank you Lena, it's wonderful to hear it, really. I appreciate it!
-          So, why are you doing it?
-          It’s a talent. I understand that it’s a job after getting money (smiling). I enjoy it, I’m abscessed with it! People are surprised by us and it’s really awesome!
-          It sounds like it’s not a job for you, is it?
-          Yes, that’s right! It’s my life, really. I love gymnastics. It’s dangerous, but we always take care of our bodies and health. It’s not like animals or something like that, we’re  people and there can be some consequences, especially given a fact that we’re standing at a height of 15 meters.
-          Of course, you’re absolutely right. If you know that it’s dangerous, how did you become a trapeze artist? How did you make such a decision?
-          Oh. I have never dreamt to live the way I live now and to do these things. I had P.E. lessons at school, it was my favorite. At the beginning of my ‘career’ I was a break dancer, and then my friends and I started training ourselves. We danced everywhere!   We haven’t got a circus in Kenya, but we have a lot of parks and hotels, where we did our performances.
-          So, it was like fun for you?
-          We do it like fun but we didn’t know that it was a talent.
-          How long have you been doing acrobatics?
-          For 7 years up to this moment. Not very long. That’s why I said that it’s my talent. Some people studying all their life, but they can’t to do it.  And I thank God for my talent.
-          If you were just a break dancer, how did you come to Russia?
-          Oh, it’s easy! There was a casting in Kenya. It was conducted by producer Vladimir Doveiko, who was searching for new artists for his show “Millennium”. And I did it! I and 6 more people from Kenya were chosen by a Russian producer. It was amazing.
-          Oh, it was an abrupt turn of life!
-          Yeah, it was! We had nothing! We didn’t have passports and documents for travelling abroad, but our producer said: “Keep calm; we’ll do everything for you!” And we believed him. Still now, if we have any problems, he’ll help us. He and, of course, our coach. They take care of all of us!
-          What did you do in Russia when you came here?
-          I was to take an exam to enter Moscow Circus, so I was training. I have been here for 3 years. Two of them were the years of preparartion. Five months I spent in Moscow Circus and now we’re travelling the world.
-          Which countries have you already visited? And which country do you like most?
-          I’ve been to Taiwan, Germany and India, after Tula we’ll go to China. And I like all of them! I can’t choose one, because I’m an artist.
-          Do you like Russia? What do you like most?
-          I love it. I like how it is. But sometimes it’s really cold here (laughing).
-          Oh, yes, now it’s really cold here! You’ve lived here for two weeks, do you like Tula?
-          It’s beautiful. It’s quiet in comparison with huge Moscow, but I like it.
-          You live near the most famous places in Tula, have you seen them?
-          I saw them passing. I don’t like walking along, I think that you should feel the place, to know its history, finally ask to take photo of you near the place (laughing). So I’m searching for a guide here.
-          Do you have friends in Russia?
-          What do you call “friends”?
-          I mean real friends! Which you can call in any time and ask for help or just to talk.
-          No, unfortunately not. I always call them my friends, want to invite them for walking or something like that, but I don’t know what they have in their hearts.
-          Oh.
-          But I have people, who I can call and say: “Hey I’m here!” And they will invite me somewhere. They can call me and say: “Felix, come to us! We’ll take a taxi to visit you, we want to see you!” And if I’m not tired, of course, I’ll come!
-          Your coach is Russian. Is it hard to understand him?
-          I know the Russian language. A little bit (laughing). I know the most popular expressions like (speaking in Russian): «ПриветКак делаПонятно.ПосмотримПока!». But it’s really hard to understand our coach. We have a translator, of course, but it’s not the same thing. Our translator just said: “Do this and this.” but he can’t explain HOW we should do it. Sometimes it’s hard, but we’re going through it.
-          I heard that you had some troubles in your team. I mean Caro Christopher Kazung, who fell during the performance in Moscow.
-          It’s awful, but now he is OK, thanks God, he can perform again. And we are all circus men and we have had a lot of broken arms, legs etc. but show must go on.
-          Show will go on always, I suppose.
-          Of course! I have mum and sister in Kenya, so I try to do my best for them! Because they are proud of me!
-          How long haven’t you seen them?
-          Oh, since summer. When you have your holidays here, I have them too; I have one free month in summer, so I go to Kenya. I miss my family.
-          And the last question, because you should go to the arena, what are you dreaming about?
-          I want to make a National Circus in Kenya, because there are a lot of men like me, who want to do their favorite occupation professionally. I want to help them.
-          It’s a good dream, really! I wish you good luck! Thank you very much, Felix! You are really interesting man! See you!

-          Bye! Увидимся! (laughing)
Lena Kuznetsova

Sunday 29 September 2013

Acro-yoga: spiritual development with elements of acrobatics

    Have you ever wanted to learn to fly? Have you ever dreamed to rise into the sky and feel the taste of freedom, the weightlessness of flight? Dreams come true! Recently acro-yoga appeared in Tula. It turned out, not many people know what it is. I met with Olga Zvyagintseva and learned a lot of finesses of this outlandish activity.

    - Hello,you look great, what sports do you do?
    - Acro-yoga (laughing).

    - How did you know about acro-yoga?
    - About a year ago I saw an advertisement "The sem
inar on acro-yoga in Tula". 
I have always been attracted to new and unusual things so I took my friend for company. The seminar on acro-yoga was organized by St.Petersburg's guys. The warm atmosphere, relaxing music, balms...In the eyes of some people who came there you could read "Oh my God, what am I doing here? What is this sect?"! And for me it was great, I decided to stay!

    - Tell me, please, some more details about this field of yoga. What is acro-yoga?
    - Acro-yoga is spiritual practice, the use of balance and trust, the setting of the body for understanding with other people.For me, acro-yoga is always a flight!
    Yoga is one of the most ancient arts. The aim of yoga is to feel the energy of your body and the outside world.

    - So, yoga can not be considered a sport?
    -  I think not. Now the active promotion of yoga as an excellent way for getting in shape is becoming more and more popular. Unfortunately, there is no realization of the spiritual component.

    - The main means of yoga is asanas (poses). How many of them are in acro-yoga?
    - A lot of them! For example: "a bird", "a throne", "a bat", "a whale", "a shrimp", "an elevator".
The minimum participants in a pose is 2 and the maximum...I don't know, may be 10!

    - Have you ever invented new poses?
    - Yes, of course! I even have the special notebook to draw their (laughing)! In general, there is a huge scope for creativity and imagination. Everyone can bring something fresh.

    - It's impossible to fly without falls. Is it true?
    - Absolutely! Neither pose is given for the first try.Frequently, instead of a sense of flight you have to suffer from pain! To make contact with a partner is difficult because each person's body is strictly individual.

    Where is the best place to practice acro-yoga?
    - It all depends on the season. In the summer we practice outdoors:there is no ceiling, no walls, only harmony with nature and a sense of freedom. Indoors is a little crowded but I'm used to it! 

    - What do you think, why people come to acro yoga? 
    - In today's world, people have forgotten what trust is. Acro-yoga helps to open, become kinder to others, overcome different fears, throw out all the stereotypes and just plunge into the flight. The man has a lot of hidden resources and opportunities that he or she can actualize with assistance of acro-yoga!  

    - I made a small sociological survey according to the results of which it became clear that most of people want to try their hand at acro-yoga. What would you advise to beginners?
    - Be brave! Come and try it! It's the only way to learn who you are!

    - Thank you very much for the interesting interview!
    - And you! All the best!
    Mariia Sidorova
By Shovkovaya Svetlana

Not all of you know that besides M. Gorky Tula State Academic Drama Theatre, there is another one wonderful place, and it is Tula Chamber Drama Theatre. Officially it was opened in 2005, but history of the theatre begun far earlier, in 1999. The actor, the artistic director and just outstanding person Aleksey Basov agreed to answer some questions.

When did the idea to create your own theatre come to your mind?
-When I understood, that there's not any theatre, which I would like to live, to exist and to work in. I can't separate my life from my work now.

When did you exactly decide for yourself, that you will become an actor?
- I had no choice (laughing). It must be said, that in my childhood I wanted to be a doctor, and a military man.

 And why such a sudden turn?
  - Because I understood that there is such a profession, which combin in itself all professions. You can play the role of a doctor, of a soldier, of a cosmonaut and anyone in fact.

What was the most difficult thing for you in studing?
- Well, to overcome my own laziness (laughing). To tell the truth, it's still difficult for me sometimes.

Did you have any person in your life, who was like an example for you?
- There were some people, who helped me to survive, if it's possible to say so. Jean-Louis Barrault, Jean Vilar... I'm not joking! For some reasons they were mainly Frenchmen. Probably it's because in France there was already the idea not only of state theatres, but also of private ones. If speaking about Russians, it was Tovstonogov.

Where do you take your inspiration from?
- I have a magic bedside-table...(laughing). Inspiration is a such thing, you know, today it's with you, and tomorrow it's not. Actually, I take it from my work, from actors, from a playwright, from my own personal emotional expirience. Even if it's something negative, it still can inspire you on something.

How do you decide what staging will be next?
- There is troupe in any theatre, and it's very important whether there are suitable actors for a staging or not. Because I can put on the stage Hamlet or anyone, but if there is not a Hamlet in theatre, I will fail.  But also it's not impossible always to think whether an actor are able to play role, or not, because in this case you can put on stage only "Kolobok"  during all your life. No matter how long you worked with actors, you will never know their abilities to the end. Sometimes it seemd that abilities are limited, and then something happend, like a flick, and an actor opens. Besides, there is such a question - have you anything to say on this theme or not. Of course we must have what to say, not only a director, but also actors.

Are you always pleased with results of your work?
- Never. I'm pleased only with some fantasies concerning my work. With foretaste,or with something what could be.

What is your biggest achivement?
- Achivment is something complete, and I have not such thing.

How much time it takes to put a perfomance on stage?
- The whole life you have lived. It's really so, it's not just words, because you put everything in it. All your impressions, all actions you have done and even have not done, but would like to. Everything bad what happened with you, everything good. All these things have an influence on a perfomance. Even if to put on a stage some play, today it is one perfomance, and after a year it will be another one. Theatre is very good thing, because it's very developing kind of art.

What is a theatre for you?
- Very difficult question. I'm afraid of high-flown words. I'd like to say it's life...Yes, even if it sounds like rants, it's still so. Life with all its manifestations, absurdities and "randomness". I don't like the word "style", but it's also a style, way of life and existence. But only not job, because a job means also a rest from that job, and it's impossible to rest from your life. Possible, of course, but far and for a long time (laughing). 

Eugen Soya, a rising star of a moden poetry.

Today we are going to talk about the creativity of a modern Ukrainiane poet, Eugen Soya. My group mate and friend, Maria Urkevich, visited his concert last autumn and could  talk with him personally.

-          I’m glad that you agreed to participate in my university project. As you know, we are going to discuss your meeting with the famous Ukrainiane poet Eugen Soya. Can you tell our readers anything about the life of  E.Soya ? Where was he born? Where did he study? How did he start his career?

-          Yes, sure. Eugen was born in Odessa in a simple working family. As Soya told in some of his interviews, he started to write when he was a teenager. The themes of his first poems were love, jealousy and separation. In 2008 he decided to show his poems to the world and posted the works on the Internet, on the site «» He was really surprised that people became to read him and leave positive comments. I think it was the beginning of his popularity.

-          How can you describe his poems? I mean, what do you feel reading them?

 - Well, his poems are short but very touching. I like his rhythms and how he describes usual things in an unusual way. For example, you can admire a simple cup of coffee because of his skills.

-          It sounds fantastic! Where does he draw the inspiration from ?

-          I think, from his life, because many of his poems show the daily routine, usual things, such as morning tea, a warm rug, an interesting book.

-          And how did you know about his concert in Tula?

-          My friend showed me a poster with all the information about it. It was a great opportunity for me to speak with Soya, to listen to him.
-          I know that such concerts are very warm and friendly and there are a lot of creative people there. Tell me, please, where did this meeting take place and what atmosphere was there?
-          Oh, it was the warmest evening of that autumn. It wasn’t the usual concert, it was a home concert. We were sitting on the soft carpet, eating sweets and cookies with ginger drink. There were bright lamps with the orange lampshades, which made the room cozy and comfortable. Soya was sitting on the trestle bed and reading to us his poems from the simple black notebook. His style of declaration is rather interesting: without any difficult intonations and stresses, his speech was like a lullaby or an eternal song. And we couldn’t separate one poem from another, because they were a single whole.

-          I can imagine how great it was! And did Soya read any of your favorite poems?

-    Yes, of course. For example, the poem «Prayer», but I prefer to say about some lines not the whole poem, e.g.:
«все. что у меня есть
 это любовь, похожая на спички
 и я знаю наперед
 ее не заберет
 ни один пограничник.»

-          I agree with you, this line is beautiful. Mary, as I know, Eugen Soya talked with you after his declaration. Did he tell you any interesting stories from his life?
-          Yes, he said that he was 21, but he didn’t study at the university and wouldn’t do it in the nearest future. He devoted his life to poetry, but it’s not his job, it is a lifestyle.

-          I think, it is a very courageous step.  But will you visit his concert again if there is such an opportunity?
-          Well, I`d like to do it in 10 years to see his progress, developing of his writing style. I hope that he can save the magic of his poems.
-          I  hope so, too. Thank you very much for your attention. It was a pleasure for me to talk with you today.
By Anastasia Akulicheva

The small detail of the Olympic mechanism
Less than six months before the Olympic Games will start! The grand sport event will be held in Sochi from 7 to 23 February 2014. In the meantime, not only the athletes and the organizing committee are preparing, but also the volunteers who play an important role in the Games. This interview will be held with one of them, Alexandra.
- Alexandra, why did you decide to become a volunteer? What do you find attractive at this job?
- I am a really active person; I love sports not only as a spectator. I have been snowboarding for a long time. I was very happy when I found out that Sochi would host the 22th Olympic Games, I wanted to participate, to contribute. Volunteer work is incredibly interesting. The greatest sportsmen of the world are at arm's length. In addition, you work in a friendly team, make new friends, charge with positive emotions and get invaluable experience in working with people.
- How difficult was it to become a volunteer of the Games in Sochi and what had to be overcome on the way to the goal?
- After I applied, a long series of interviews began. First of all, the interests, knowledge of specific rules of Olympic sports were marked, of course, second language skills were an advantage. When finally the shortlisting and training in the volunteer center in Moscow were completed, I was able to have a shot at 'Pre-Olympic week' test events. It was awesome, I did not regret my decision,  I had never experienced such emotions.
- Please tell more about what is the responsibility of the sports volunteer.
- Volunteers should give necessary information to athletes, coaches, other delegates, accompany them to the objects, and participate in the preparation of these objects for a competition, be the coordinator who knows everything that goes on in this huge 'pulsating' system. And, of course, all actions must be accompanied with a smile, cheerfulness and positive emotions.
- A volunteer does not receive wages for his work, what motivates you, what do you get from your participation in all of this?
- The mere participation in the world-class event is a great success. You are here, inside, a small detail makes working a huge mechanism. Next to you the greatest people on earth and those who will reach their heights! New friends, unforgettable emotions, valuable experience - is that not worth it?
- Thank you very much, it is very interesting and actual information.
- It's my pleasure.

By Evgenia Fedorova

Do you know hip-hop?

By Ulyana Motcheva

Today I was going to talk with one of the most popular choreographers and dancers in Tula and simply friendly and very sociable person Kozlov Alexander. When I entered into his dance school I was stricken by plenty of people who were taking part in the activity.

 Hello, Alexander! How are you? There are so many people here today!
 Hello, I’m fine, thanks! We have so many people every training.

 What do you think why so many people want and study to dance?
  I think the first motivation is to improve their physical abilities and to learn how they can rule and control their body, also it’s cultural development. Then one of the most important motivations is to achieve success in this sphere inspired by the results of the famous dancers. And, of course, nowadays it’s very stylish and fashionable.

 I see. There are a lot of streams, directions, courses and schools in choreography. Your direction is Hip-hop. It’s very popular today. Hip-hop is cultural school which appeared in the USA among African Americans. And what is hip- hop as a dance? How does it differ from others?
First of all, its culture. Hip-hop has its own origins, rules and rhythms. Also its movements and actions differ a lot from other schools. Then I should say about a huge number of streams in hip-hop which distinguish it, for example, krump, R&B, waacking.

As for different kinds of streams I know that hip-hop is divided into two big courses – Old School and New Style. Could you tell our readers about them?
New Style is a course which appeared in New York, that’s why New Style got its name. Also there is LA Style –dance course in Los Angeles. There are some differences between them. LA is more rhythmical, its movements and actions are fluent and smooth, and New Style is distinguished by rough and efficient movements. And Old School is a founder of hip – hop, not only dance style but culture.One of its promoters was Afrika Bambaataa.

Afrika Bambaataa? Who is it?
It’s a Dj (disc jockey) who brought Jamaican musical style  and hip-hop culture to America. Hip hop is not only style of dances and music after all. It includes a lot of different occupations: streetball, graffito, style of clothes, special slang and etc.

As to break-dance, what kind of dance is it?
It’s also a stream of hip-hop which contains plenty of acrobatic elements that’s why we can’t classify it as Old School. Break-dance is modernized a lot now, a manner of performance is changed and dancing basis is broadened.

I know all of hip- hop streams are modernized and developed. What new streams have appeared nowadays?
It’s difficult to call all of them. But, for example, I can tell you about R&B. Now it’s not only  a style of music but a huge stream of dance which is also divided into several directions. Also nowadays 3D- direction  has appeared.

And how is this direction shown in dance?
All dancers are making movements of the same type, so creating an effect of extent and relief. I can compare it with 3D films, they have the same aim.

It’s very interesting! Should people have special physical qualities, skills and preparation for hip-hop dances?
As for our dance school we accept absolutely everyone without any preparation from 6 to 60(smiling).There are no special criteria for it.

And what do you advise people who start dancing?
Well, first of all, if a person starts dancing and something goes wrong, he or she shouldn’t give up and lose heart! It’s necessary to be patient and work hard. And the main thing is to have perseverance and desire then it works out. A little effort would do it.

Thank you a lot for this perfect talk! To sum up, what is a dance for you?
Mmm…(thinking).A dance is a self-expression for me. It’s my favourite occupation and I devote my life to it. I try to develop in this sphere, take part in different workshops. It’s one of the things that brings meaning of my life.