Sunday 30 November 2014

Visual: A walk through the forest

My parents and I come to the autumn forest to relax, communicate with nature, and be also to see whether there are already mushrooms. The sun shines brightly. The forest looks dry, but recently there was an autumn rain. Yellowed and wet leaves are rustling under our feet. Autumn trees and bushes look really festive, in their colorful attire. They seem to be solemnly escorted by summer. Bright yellow, lemon, purple, cherry forest pleases the eye. Some trees and shrubs are green, it seems they decided to extend the summer.
It’s very quiet in the autumn forest. Animals have already hidden somewhere. Only birds are screaming far in the sky. They gathered in flocks to fly to the south.
Russules and chanterelles hide under the aspens, wild wasps buzz nearly. They are eating rotten-ripe wild pears in the grass. A pesky spider’s web braids the branches. Spiders spin their thin webs, which repeatedly pester my face.
A walk through the forest soothes and brings uncommon pleasure.

                                                             Yesina Christina

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