Friday 28 November 2014

Do you believe in magic? I'll make you believe in it.

It's 9 p.m. and we are in the restaurant called "Spieces and gladnesses". It's an amazing place with a vivacious atmosphere. We're born sitting in the cosy pale leather chairs at a wooden table. The spacious main hall is decorated in beige and pistachio colors. The restaurant is half filled, ill lit, and nosy, the table occupants are self-absorbed, buzzing with talk. Amiable waiters are circling around the tables handing the orders around to the visitors. An appealing waitress places a little teapot with Chinese  'Milk Oolong' tea and two snow-white cups on our table and the great journey to the world of magic starts just in this very minute.

In front of me is a young 23-year-old man, smiling mysteriously. All his appearance is rather uncommon. He's got blue-grey eyes striking by their depth, his hands are also long and his fingers are so nimble as it seems he could hold all the world in them. He's dressed in the black jacket and narrow trousers but his hair is in a mess contrasting with this tidiness. So, who's that inscrutable man? Could you guess?

He makes unforgettable holidays for children and adults. He's got a numerous set of captivating tricks and enchanting illusions. He has not just a strong love for art but also acquired a deep knowledge of his profession through books. Let's start acquaintance with him. Igor Chudakov is a young comedian conjurer.

Igor has believed since his childhood that humor, easiness and merriment are the major values in life. He grew up in an unusual family: his mother is a psychologist and father is a gambler. So, his affection to creativity appeared early.

His uncle showed him the first trick and inspired Igor. The boy was crasy about acting and showing unusual trics to his friends and relatives. He desired to be an actor.

"Since my childhood I've got a feeling that I'm special and I would never work like others. I'm born to make  people a bit happier".

Igor tasted a lot of occupations in his life from theatre to fighting. He has two passions : sport and art. After finishing school he went to Moscow to university of Art but he was rejected everywhere because of his speech pecularity - he burrs slightly.

"I went to pieces that moment and didn't know what to do further. But on y way home straight in the bus I've met my mate who was going to Tula and decided to realize myself there, in Tula State Pedagogical University. There were two variants: physical education or psychology. So, I'm a P.E. teacher for kids of preschool age in education".

It wasn't a tragic case but if anything it became a lucky circumstace. Studying n TSPU helped Igor to find his destination in 2012.

"once my mates asked me to help them with a turn for a concert in hostel's organization "RADUGA". So, I agreed to help. It was my first great success in tricks. People admired my acting. I felt that vivid energy coming from their smiles and wide-opened eyes and understood who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do".

After that Igor found a job of a conjurer and started his desirable way. He shows hundreds of tricks monthly and inspires a great of eyes.

"I value what I do. I break the masks on people's faces when they don't believe it's possible. This is the sweetest feeling when you astonish those who don't want to be surprised".

Among the tons of tricks Igor marks the ones with the banknotes, foam-rubber balls(hears), with a little fox(It's his fluffy attribute. Igor knows how to make you believe this toy's alive).

The pecularity of Igor's performances is that he works with energies (wonder and laughter). Technical part of the item doesn't catch him. He never trains a lot, he enjoys improvisations.

The recipe of a successful performance is simple: take a big piece of psychology, supplement it with a cup of emotions and mix it well with the help of dexterity, the magic involved.

Now we know that magic exists in everyday life. You should just open up your he art and you'll feel it's real. Igor Chudakov gives a promise that he would dip you into the world of fascinating illusions even if you don't believe in them.

Now our tea is over and the waiters are eager to finish their working day, the visitors of the restaurant don't buzz so vividly. It's becoming so quiet in this spacious hall. It's time to wind up the talk with the talk with the young wizard of Tula.

By way of farewell Igor gave a helpful piece of advice: "If you do something, take great pains to succeed in it. Do what you want and really need. Don't stand what annoys you, look for something that bring pleasure to your soul. Don't forget that magic exists and helps you if you really believe in it".


  1. Very interesting article. It is always interesting to read about people in the arts. Elements of visual writing make article like the perfect complement to sit at the same table with the girls. It is always interesting to learn how people choose their profession and how it brings him pleasure reading such articles always want to believe that you too will enjoy your work, because it is then it will not sound heavy word "work". In addition, once walking in the park for me hooked the magician with his friend, I think they just wanted to train us show tricks, but to be honest, my reaction was unpredictable, I really did not like to change the focus this deliberate deception in while all the time trying to avoid being deceived, my friend, on the contrary was pleased and said it if it returned to childhood. And I think it's great that his profession can cause such conflicting emotions, because in other words, my friend and remember these magicians ever, but each in its own way.

  2. A wonderful article. The title is catchy - I was eager to know what the article is about. And I wasn' disappointed. Visual writing helped me to feel like a witness, and quotes made me feel like I'm talking to that guy.
    This article isn't only entertaining, it also made me look at my life from another point of view and think whether I do everything right or not.
    I have nothing to add.
