Monday 1 December 2014

Visual writing

Dust is all around, then smoke appears. I smell apples.
I hear the car behind and see another ine right in front of me. The wind blows and spreads dust clouds around me. But I'm happy to feel stable asfalt under my high heels and only 5 minutes later I open a large durty marshrutka's door. Hearing the old man's shortness of breath behind me i come in slowly on purpose. It seemed to me that the roads won't be crowded. If i decided to take a car I wouldn't be able to remember and notice all that.
Somebody pats me on the shoulder to pass the money, I accept but in reality I'm a bit angry because I hear the clutch pedal and see my stop through the open door. 

Sunday 30 November 2014

The university teacher of positive and English.

The bell rings and she comes in the class holding books and a recorder in her arms. She starts her work with a smile. Her positive vibes spread around the class.
Nelly Anatolievna Khvan has worked in TSPU "Lev Tolstoy" for fourteen years already. Now she is an associate professor and has PhD in philology. "I felt fed up with knowledge so I needed to share it with students."
During the lesson all the students listen to Nelly Anatolievna attentively, make dialogs and practise them. And she corrects their mistakes. “I don't have special methodology in teaching but I try to practise grammar and phonetics, for example, with students in real situations."
Moreover, Nelly Anatolievna had studied at Dargomyzhsky College before she entered TSPU. She has learned in the piano class for four years. "At home I don’t play music any more but a lot of things I learned there are part of my personality. I also try to use music in my work, but I don't have enough time for that."
Her students like the way she teaches and try not to miss lessons. "My English has become much better with Nelly Anatolievna's help. She is a really good teacher and a good person, I have never seen her to be angry with us" the student said. But Nelly Anatolievna thinks she is a negative person and explains her positive by strange sense of humor and good acting.
Nelly Anatolievna is not only a teacher (at university she teaches 6 disciplines) but she also is an author and so-author of fourteen publications. The main publications are about a speech unit in literary texts.

Nelly Anatolievna is not really fond of her job but she likes foreign languages and human sciences. "Other reason - I like the sound of my own voice and I prove myself among students."
                               Profile: Gregory Tokarev
I want to write about scientific activities of Head of the Department of Documentation and Stylistics of the Russian language, professor, doctor of philology - Gregory Tokarev.
Education: 1989-1994 - Tula State Pedagogical Institute Leo Tolstoy, a teacher of Russian language and literature, graduated from TSPU ‘Lev Tolstoy’, 1994-1997 graduate student of Russian language and methodology. 2000-2003 - Volgograd State Pedagogical University, PhD, Department of General and Russian linguistics.
His achievements are hard to list. Professor Tokarev worked on the training of Russian teachers in Yerevan with the support of the "Russian World"; participated in the regional forum of young Russian language teachers to support the Russian language as the basis for the development of integration processes in the CIS in Minsk. He also worked in the Tajik National University conducting training courses in scientific seminar in conjunction with the Moscow State University Mikhail Lomonosov. His workshops were part of complex of scientific and methodological activities devoted to the problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language in India, Mumbai.
The professor, I took a short interview:
- Gregory, what discipline you teach?
- My Disciplines: culture of speech, modern Russian literary language, linguistics, stylistics, cultural linguistics, semiotics.
- What is the scientific field of activity?
- Research activities: theoretical and applied aspects of cultural communication.
- What scientific works you have already published?
- I am the author of 130 scientific papers, 10 practical manuals in Russian language and linguistics, in word formation and morphology of the modern Russian language, semiotics.
Member of broadcasts on the problems of speech culture, leadership experience (Chair), experience abroad (Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Germany, Tajikistan, India). Chairman of the organizing committee of international conferences.
-Did you take part in research projects?
Since 2010 I am one of the main organizers of Tolstoy's readings - the international conference held in TSPU Leo Tolstoy once every two years for the past 50 years. To conduct Tolstoy’s readings I received grants from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation in 2012. There was also short-term business trips abroad for the purpose of teaching Russian as a foreign language to Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Germany, Tajikistan, India.
I should add that Gregory has initiated and edited a monthly student faculty newspaper "Boiling Point", which is available in print and online since 2008. He is the editor of a collection of creative works by students and faculty of Russian Philology and Documentation "In Search of the genre," which is scheduled to be published. Every two years, he directs the regional student readings of Tolstoy, and annually – a competition of professional pedagogical skills "Russian word." He is also a member of broadcasts on the problems of the culture of speech, the chairman of the organizing committee of international conferences.

                                                             Yesina Christina
Visual: A walk through the forest

My parents and I come to the autumn forest to relax, communicate with nature, and be also to see whether there are already mushrooms. The sun shines brightly. The forest looks dry, but recently there was an autumn rain. Yellowed and wet leaves are rustling under our feet. Autumn trees and bushes look really festive, in their colorful attire. They seem to be solemnly escorted by summer. Bright yellow, lemon, purple, cherry forest pleases the eye. Some trees and shrubs are green, it seems they decided to extend the summer.
It’s very quiet in the autumn forest. Animals have already hidden somewhere. Only birds are screaming far in the sky. They gathered in flocks to fly to the south.
Russules and chanterelles hide under the aspens, wild wasps buzz nearly. They are eating rotten-ripe wild pears in the grass. A pesky spider’s web braids the branches. Spiders spin their thin webs, which repeatedly pester my face.
A walk through the forest soothes and brings uncommon pleasure.

                                                             Yesina Christina
                            200th anniversary of Lermontov
The 200th anniversary of Mikhail Lermontov was celebrated at the Department of Russian Philology and Documentation in TSPU ‘Lev Tolstoy’. The anniversary was noted by reading «Hero of Our Time». TSPU Professor Romanov was welcomed to make a speech. He noted the importance of the great Russian writer: « We still appreciate communication, human warmth, the truth in human relations, in spite of the fact that Lermontov`s birthday was two hundred years ago». Romanov was the first person to speak at this event. From 9.00 to 15.00 without a break more than 100 students and teachers spoke about the life of the main character of «Hero of Our Time» - Grigory Pechorin.
All department took part in that event, even students of document service whose curriculum does not include the study of literature. Also associate professors Safonov and Yurmanova visited that event in honour of immortal novel.
The 200th anniversary of Mikhail Lermontov is held in October throughout Russia. Last time the anniversary of the great poet was so widely celebrated was only one hundred years ago.
The students from the Department of Russian Philology and Documentation plan to organize readings of poems by Mikhail Lermontov.

                                                                               Yesina Christina
Strangers' interviews by Kristina Esina 

I asked people at a bookshop about their tastes in literature.
1.     What is your favorite writer and poet?
2.     What is your favorite work? How did any famous work influence you?
3.      What lessons have you learned from literature?

A)    1. Lermontov. Actually I like writers more than poets. Poets are all the same to me.
          2. First of all, it is his use of historic places, events, traditions. It emerges in his works. I like that connection. Also it is easy to comprehend, clarity because of his thoughts.
          3. Lermontov created and did a great deal in such a short period. Any work expresses the true essence of what was happening at that time. He did it without fear or risk of being arrested or deported to Siberia! Even his duel with Martynov, reflected his attitude of hatred to what was the usual state for the rest. He always defended the interests of those who believed in truth and sought it.

       B)    1. Leo Tolstoy.
               2. Yes, I heard about him. He was a novelist, short story writer, playwright and essayist. I like his most famous work “War and Peace”.
              3.  I think he was a magnificent writer. He showed the picture of real life and we can learn what it was like to live at his time.

       C)    1.  Shakespeare.
              2.  I do not know why. Hamlet “Romeo and Juliet” are my favorite works.
              3.  It describes the history of the tragedy of human development in the fight against external circumstances for the right to love.

      D)    1. Dostoyevsky.
              2. What he wrote is relevant to real life it is not a village fairy tale.
              3. The accuracy of judgments  impresses me most.

     E)     1.  Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche;   Yesenin, Blok.
             2.  Dostoyevsky. In his novels I empathize with heroes, such as Demon. I also appreciate his view on Russia. He was a patriot of his country and a competent writer, but for me as a Christian it is more interesting to see how evil can distort the truth. Nietzche is very logical and trutheful, but on the other hand, I see the errors. Although truth is very abstract.
           As for Yesenin, I like his love poetry. I feel as if I have gone through what he wrote about. Well, I love Russian nature. When I am in a bad mood, I can find a lot of interesting things in Blok`s works. For me he is rushing to the decadence in depression.
4.     Dostoyevsky says like in the Bible. «Live by God» that’s the law and do no harm to others or evil will come back to you. Nietzche`s all works suggest what kind of person you should be.
  In Esenin`s works he fell in love head over ears. Maybe it hurts, but it is cool, and his love of Russia, his mother-land, is admirable.

                                                                                                              Yesina Christina

Survey! In the cinema


1. Whats your general impression?
I'm shoked! Its so well-done and truthfull..maybe i would watch it again

2. What moment you didnt like or would like to change
I'm a bit upset with the daughter of the main was pretty painful to look at her poor father milliards miles away waiting for the news from her. But you know it wouldnt be so tragical without that line...

3. What did you expect from the 3h lasted film?
I was afraid to face so much scientific stuff and theories according to the trailer but it appeared to be explained as if theres nothing complicated in the space. And in addition it was as a piece of spice to make the situation closer to life for the spectators to believe in that way of developing the Earth.

1. Whats your general impression?
Yeah! It was cool. A bit long but still worthy

2. What moment you didnt like or would like to change
Hm.. The moment of saying bye to the main character's daughter was too long probably in spite of its importance.

3. What did you expect from the 3h lasted film?
A bit more actions.. Cause 2 hours out of three was just endless conversation

1. Whats your general impression?
Its a waste!

2. What moment you didnt like or would like to change
Didnt like that film pretending to be based on reality which is not at all possible. The existence of black holes has been recently rejected.

3. What did you expect from the 3h lasted film?
To tell the truth I got what I expected.. I'll repeat: its a waste

1. Whats your general impression?
Well. Hard to say.. I'm happy and glad to watch such a movie.. It made me think

2. What moment you didnt like or would like to change
I'd like the daughter not to be so old.. i wanted the film to show all the secrets of out existence and abilities.

3. What did you expect from the 3h lasted film?
It appeared to be really fast and I would spend another three with pleasure

1. Whats your general impression?
Its kind of fantastic  and the film "of tomorrow" at the same time. Resources are exhaustible and nothing lasts forever

2. What moment you didnt like or would like to change.
The scene with new planet isn't properly done, there weren't any differences except the  cylindric form.

3. What did you expect from the 3h lasted film?
To be long. But in reality I was interested. Film have nothing like banality.  
Interview by Kristina Yesina

I interviewed the student of TSPU international faculty in order to learn about his interests and future plans.
1.     -  What can you tell us about yourself?
-         My name is Trang. I am from Vietnam. I`m 24 years old. Now I`m the final year student of the international faculty.
2.     - What are you strengths?
-         My strengths are in being dynamic, ambitious, and self-confident.
3.     - What are you weaknesses?
-         One of my weaknesses is that sometimes I can`t control myself in some difficult cases.
4.     - Who was your favorite manager and why?
-         My favorite manager is Alex Ferguson. He is a former Scottish football manager and player who managed Manchester United from 1986 to 2013. His time as one of the most admired and respected managers in the history of the game.
5.     - Could you describe your ideal job?
-         I think that my ideal job is a dynamic job which gives me good chances in community and development.
6.     - What are some of your personal interests outside of learning?
-         Usually I like going shopping, travelling, and getting to know my new friends better.
7.     - Would you be able to travel?
-         Of course, I think travelling is useful for everyone. I will travel when I have enough money.
8.     - Do you like to study at the university in Tula?
-         No, I don`t like it very much. I am studying at the international faculty. Some teachers are not very good at our specialty. I think they are not serious when they teach us. We don`t study with Russian students. It is a very negative thing for improving our skills in the Russian language. The studying environment can`t be considered as international for foreign students.
9.     - What is your favorite subject at the university?
-         English is my favorite subject at the university.
10.            - Do you like the city?
-         I can`t say I like the Tula city. But it`s OK.
11.             - What are your plans for the future?
-         I want to be a translator or interpreter of three languages: English, Russian, and French.
12.            - Do you want to study in Russia?
-         No, I don`t. After graduation I`ll return to my country.
13.            - Why did you choose to study in Russia?
-         I chose to study in Russia because I learnt the Russian language in high school. Then I received a scholarship for studying in Russia.
14.             – Did you participate in student conferences? If so, in what?
-         I have participated in some conferences of the international faculty at our university. They were scientific conferences about youth problems.

                                                                                            Yesina Christina

Friday 28 November 2014

Do you believe in magic? I'll make you believe in it.

It's 9 p.m. and we are in the restaurant called "Spieces and gladnesses". It's an amazing place with a vivacious atmosphere. We're born sitting in the cosy pale leather chairs at a wooden table. The spacious main hall is decorated in beige and pistachio colors. The restaurant is half filled, ill lit, and nosy, the table occupants are self-absorbed, buzzing with talk. Amiable waiters are circling around the tables handing the orders around to the visitors. An appealing waitress places a little teapot with Chinese  'Milk Oolong' tea and two snow-white cups on our table and the great journey to the world of magic starts just in this very minute.

In front of me is a young 23-year-old man, smiling mysteriously. All his appearance is rather uncommon. He's got blue-grey eyes striking by their depth, his hands are also long and his fingers are so nimble as it seems he could hold all the world in them. He's dressed in the black jacket and narrow trousers but his hair is in a mess contrasting with this tidiness. So, who's that inscrutable man? Could you guess?

He makes unforgettable holidays for children and adults. He's got a numerous set of captivating tricks and enchanting illusions. He has not just a strong love for art but also acquired a deep knowledge of his profession through books. Let's start acquaintance with him. Igor Chudakov is a young comedian conjurer.

Igor has believed since his childhood that humor, easiness and merriment are the major values in life. He grew up in an unusual family: his mother is a psychologist and father is a gambler. So, his affection to creativity appeared early.

His uncle showed him the first trick and inspired Igor. The boy was crasy about acting and showing unusual trics to his friends and relatives. He desired to be an actor.

"Since my childhood I've got a feeling that I'm special and I would never work like others. I'm born to make  people a bit happier".

Igor tasted a lot of occupations in his life from theatre to fighting. He has two passions : sport and art. After finishing school he went to Moscow to university of Art but he was rejected everywhere because of his speech pecularity - he burrs slightly.

"I went to pieces that moment and didn't know what to do further. But on y way home straight in the bus I've met my mate who was going to Tula and decided to realize myself there, in Tula State Pedagogical University. There were two variants: physical education or psychology. So, I'm a P.E. teacher for kids of preschool age in education".

It wasn't a tragic case but if anything it became a lucky circumstace. Studying n TSPU helped Igor to find his destination in 2012.

"once my mates asked me to help them with a turn for a concert in hostel's organization "RADUGA". So, I agreed to help. It was my first great success in tricks. People admired my acting. I felt that vivid energy coming from their smiles and wide-opened eyes and understood who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do".

After that Igor found a job of a conjurer and started his desirable way. He shows hundreds of tricks monthly and inspires a great of eyes.

"I value what I do. I break the masks on people's faces when they don't believe it's possible. This is the sweetest feeling when you astonish those who don't want to be surprised".

Among the tons of tricks Igor marks the ones with the banknotes, foam-rubber balls(hears), with a little fox(It's his fluffy attribute. Igor knows how to make you believe this toy's alive).

The pecularity of Igor's performances is that he works with energies (wonder and laughter). Technical part of the item doesn't catch him. He never trains a lot, he enjoys improvisations.

The recipe of a successful performance is simple: take a big piece of psychology, supplement it with a cup of emotions and mix it well with the help of dexterity, the magic involved.

Now we know that magic exists in everyday life. You should just open up your he art and you'll feel it's real. Igor Chudakov gives a promise that he would dip you into the world of fascinating illusions even if you don't believe in them.

Now our tea is over and the waiters are eager to finish their working day, the visitors of the restaurant don't buzz so vividly. It's becoming so quiet in this spacious hall. It's time to wind up the talk with the talk with the young wizard of Tula.

By way of farewell Igor gave a helpful piece of advice: "If you do something, take great pains to succeed in it. Do what you want and really need. Don't stand what annoys you, look for something that bring pleasure to your soul. Don't forget that magic exists and helps you if you really believe in it".

Sunday 23 November 2014

Rubles that never crash

By Polina Sonina

An old man in a shabby shirt in his basement dusting his precious collection. That's how you can imagine a collector. But Artyom Arzunyan is the opposite. Stylish senior who adores travelling, reads original resourses and speaks 4 languages.

The first three coins he bought graduating from the 3d form.
“After school I often went to look at coins of a very old man whose shop was
packed with antique things. As my mum kindly gave me some money that day I ran as fast as I could hoping to see my lovely coins on their shelf! These were 1,2 and 3 kopeks Nikolay II of 1910-1913"

Answering the question where the roots go Artyom says about his artistic and respectful parents.
My grandfather had 5 precious coins which he kept just because his predecessors  gave them to him. He collected stamps and his collection is really enormous so I keep it because I see the point. Nobody preceded me to collect coins.. It went without saying being based only on my interest”

Seeing some reliefs of these shining gold and silver coins with dated XVII-XXI centuries I feel the smell of the times.. Emperors volumetric portraits accompanied  by his passionate stories about each of them you seem to become a spectator of the people of the epoch as out of the door peephole.

He spontaneously gave me one coin.. Large round weighty piece of silver (as I saw it) but he saw its background and expected me to be as charmed by it as he was so I did my best and finally got the answer with great effort and with little assistant of google and logic, of course! It was the most rare and valued exhibit, his treasure made in honor of Peter II who according to the mystery and tragic "coup d'état"(overturn) he ruled just 3 years.

“It’s Peter II ruble”-he exclaimed. “look as well it was preserved!”

The rest of that enormous album included all the Lenin silver coins- latest silver coins made in Russia. He also had almost all the Nikolay II coins, many foreign coins from old and morden times, collections such as  50states of America coins, anniversary Russian and soviet coins and many others.

Artyom pays most of his attention to the coins  of Russian tsarist time. The times when everything was unbelievably well-done, especially something with a Tzar's portrait on it.

During our conversation I just couldn't get rid of the feeling that he forced himself to share all these stories. It seemed to be so sacred for my closest friend as though he was  deeply obssessed with his collection.

 Though Artyom has so many interests, he can’t miss any of coins' exhibition or just pass be the new numismatic shop. He adores everything that has a relief and historic value , “Anything belonging to the past". 

Sunday 9 November 2014

Hello! I'm born!
  On 15th of October the most long-expected, fabulous and outstanding event took place: the Department of Foreign languages of TSPU celebrated its 70th anniversary.
  This great event gathered students, professors, graduates and  a lot of guests.
  The students of the department prepared an outstanding performance, that packed the concert hall. A lot of dances and songs showed us different cultures. Much energy has been put into this concert: new equipment, invited presenters, a lot of missed lessons...
  Catherine, a student, shared her impression: "A very vivid performance. Our students did their best to express a unique atmosphere of the Department of Foreign languages. The songs were wonderful, and dances were on the high level."
  The partners of the University and the Faculty also sent their compliments to the students, professors and veterans, especially the director of The Department of human resourse and social development management "Shchekinoazot" Elena Podchufarova, represenatives of the "Unilever" company, etc.
  At the end the Dean of the Department expressed his thanks to everybody and said that he is "proud for his department".

The sport hall.

The clock shows 10.00 am. I open the door to the gym. For me this place seemsvery interesting because the green walls calm you while you stand in the middle of the room. On the left side of the stairs there is a mens hall.
If you look to the right, you can see the women’s hall. On the right side, there isrental not as strange as they all work very wellBehind me the mirror greatly increases your figure and it’s terrible. I recommend not to look into the mirror.
Several simulators are broken. One man comes to the simulator and starts toconsider. Others stand and watch him for a few minutesThe trainer comes and explains that some kid came and broke it.
The faces of those who surround the simulator are upset. I see a woman emergefrom a female trainer with a bottle of water. She breathes as if she held the stoneon the cheat and the water washes down, she turns to the door and leaves . Ten minutes pass and my time is finished.

Monday 27 October 2014

Anniversary of a peculiar faculty.
On October 15 Tula State LevTolstoy  Pedagogical University celebrated the anniversary of one of its most unusual units – the department of foreign languages. The feast gathered many students, teachers and guests.
The Department of Foreign Languages ​​was founded  in 1944 under the leadership of Inna Petrovna Grineva, 40 students were  enrolled then under the guidance of 10 teachers. Nowadays this depature is the one in the region, numbering about a hundred teachers and eight hundred students.
The first to congratulate the faculty at the festive scene was  rector V.A. Panin. He expressed his respect and recognition of his colleagues and the creators of the university.
Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Education Zh.E. Fomicheva continued congratulations. In her speech, she told how she was part of the history of the University of her warm relations with their fellow students and what the departure gave her .
The Dean of the Department  D.A.  Razoroynov in the speech compared Foreign Languages with a ship, “It's a huge responsibility to manage such a large ship, but I'm proud of my colleagues and students." Representatives  of such companies as "Shchekinoazot», «Speak English», «Unilever." Congratulated the department .They wished good luck and prosperity, new opportunities and achievements.

After each greeting music and songs filled  the assembly hall with, . Concert gratters  sounded in English, Russian German, Spanish and French. Popular dance movements evoked happy exciting feelings. "The concert was awesome, all at the level , guys  are really tried," one of the students said. Indeed, departure of foreign language is level is something our city can boast of

Sunday 26 October 2014


On  October  15 Department of Foreign language celebrated its 70th anniversary. Graduates of different years and professor-veterans decided not to lose the chance of visiting such a concert. Every guest enjoyed exciting dances, charming singing and bright atmosphere. A choreographer and the leader of the dance-crew “NEO”, Denis Vasin, a graduate of TSPU, made a great show with TSPU student Nastya Danilova and other dancers.
Participants presented their energy trough the merry dances, funny scenes and fascinating songs in different languages.
The Dean of faculty, D.A.Razorenov compared the department with a ship that delivers us to different countries. He wished that ship should overcome all the troubles and go on endless voyage.
The head of University, V.A.Panin greeted all the people and admitted the special character of the department of Foreign Languages and wished strong knowledge and developing.
The vice-dean of faculty, E.A.Uvarova said:
“The faculty has completely changed in recent years. Now students get not a specialist’s diploma, but Bachelor’s  and Master’s  degrees. A lot of new languages appeared. The opportunities are enlarging but the best years on the faculty are while you’re learning yourself.”
After the concert Elena Alexandrovna said: “It was incredible. Now I see, we can do everything. I wish everybody carries in souls and hearts this huge love for the  faculty. Years of studying here are the best and every student should save the recollections about it for life”.