Sunday 20 September 2015

Visual writing

       So, I decided to go for a walk. And now I'm here on the bench not far away from my home. But for these street lamps, I would not see anything at all. It's only 8 p.m. but it has got so dark. What is more, there are so much dark clouds in the sky. Everything is painted gray and this colour is surrounding me. I feel like I'm in one of those black-and-white films, which were so popular earlier. But it's more like a sad film than a comedy and there's no funny music background. No signs of beauty, no signs of life. I just don't like such weather. It's dissapointing me.
       There are no beatiful landscapes around me or something like that. Just some trees and a big playground which is full of children and their parents. I see that these children are so happy, although the weather isn't so good. They are just running back and forth and laughing so loudly. And these sounds of happiness make me even smile. But I can't say the same about adults. They look gloomy and so depressed and you can't  distinguish them from each other.Maybe they have such look because of their work or study.  I think that is the reason of their so-called "depression".  But then blows a strong guspy wind which is carrying cold air and scent of rain. It's deafening, so I can't anything at all now. It seems that this wind don't want to see anyone's happiness. It's like a crowd of furious people trying to push you back making you keep silence and you can't do anything with it. All you can do is just wait. That's all.
       After a few seconds the wind dies and I take a look at these trees, which are dancing in crazy rhythm not far away from me. They look so alive but at the same time they look like they're fading away. They're dancing like today is the last day of their life and they want to make this day the most important one. What is more, I can hear some kind of music from there. Yeah , I mean music because you can't call it a noise. The music of nature. Some rustles from every tree. They sound like a choir together. It's brilliant and attracts my attention. But I can't enjoy it because the wind returns and spoils everything again.
      Not away from me some children are playing football. It seems that football season will never end and they can do it all day long in any weather. I'm not sure that they want to be football players. But one thing is clear here. They just love sport and can't live even a day without it. I can hear some indinstinct speech from them and from time to time, sounds of football cage. These sounds are like explosions because every time you hear it you shudder. I just can't get used to it
      Now it's getting so much darker and I start to shiver with cold that's why I'm on the way home.

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