Sunday 20 September 2015

Somewhere in Tula [Visual Writing]

I sit on a bench somewhere in Tula. I don’t even know the name of this street.
The air is fresh and weak wind blows here. Lonely tree that stands far away sways in this wind.  Birds sing with their melodious voices. This melody is like a nearly forgotten song of childhood. It reminds me of the past. The sky is covered with dark clouds and it is about to start raining. There’s a big crowd of people here.
A young man wearing a black office suit passes me by. He holds a case in right hand. I look at his back for some seconds and then he disappears in the crowd.
The streams of people flow in this street. Two women go slowly through the crowd. The first one is blonde. She wears dark jacket, jeans and carries little package. The second woman has long blue hair. She wears white hoody and black jeans. They speak about electronic music of twentieth century.
There’s little traffic jam on the carriageway caused by the driver of extremely old «Niva». From here I can hear inpatient beeps of other cars.
An old man leaning on a cane slowly comes to another bench and sits down on it. Silently he watches people like I do. I feel calm watching all these people.
A guy on bicycle tries to make a knock but fails off the bicycle. No injuries, nothing serious. He grabs the bicycle and continues riding.

Finally it starts raining. Cold drops fall on asphalt. Some people without umbrellas go to the nearest shops or cafes to take a shelter. One woman uses her handbag as umbrella. Another one uses her boyfriend’s jacket to hide her hair from rain.

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