Saturday 19 October 2013

«What is inspiration for you?»

«What is inspiration for you?»
By Inna Pavlova

Drawing is one of the major forms of expression within the visual arts, and is generally concerned with the marking of lines and areas of tone onto paper. Different skills allow transferring some image in your head to the sheet of paper, but nonetheless they are not enough. Every art requires special mood state, which is called inspiration. In order to understand what inspiration means for a creative person, this interview with an amateur woman artist was made.

Inna: I know that you went to the art studio. Which skills did you acquire there during your studying?

Svetlana: I acquired basic drawing skills. Gaining these skills independently would be a hard work, so I’m glad that I had an ability to study under my art teacher’s supervision.

I: Did your teacher’s instructions make the process of drawing easier?

S: There is no doubt. She tutored me and pointed out all mistakes. And as a beginner, I made a lot of them. Her help was priceless.

I: Studying at the art studio was your own or your parents’ decision?

S: It was my idea. I wanted to turn my hobby into something more serious. Luckily, it didn’t lose all its entertaining nature and this apprehension was my greatest fear.

I: Did you think that you can become a professional artist?

S: If to be honest, I never thought about it. I just did what I liked to do and no thoughts about combining my hobby and work came to my mind. But as it turned out later, drawing came in handy for my further education.

I: Does it mean that your future profession somehow is connected with drawing?

S: Yes. I want to become an architect. I can hardly imagine what could have happened if I gave up visiting the studio.

I: Let’s speak about the process of drawing. I heard that a lot of people draw at the same time listening to music. Are you familiar with it?

S: Yes! As for me, music has a strong visual context, it makes pictures appear in my head. Sometimes they are not connected to the music at all, but anyway music helps me to create the necessary mood.

I: In what kind of mood do your prefer to work? What helps you to concentrate?

S: I prefer to draw, when I’m encouraged or, in other words, inspired. As soon as I take a pencil in my hand, the world disappears and I’m concentrated. It’s something I have no need to worry about.

I: What is inspiration for you? Where do you find it?

S: For me, inspiration is a special state of mind, when it is set to create things. I find it in everything. It might sound strange, but a complete mess on my table is the main catalyst of my inspiration. And, as I said earlier, a quiet music is also of  great help. I simply close my eyes and plunge into the atmosphere of peace, listening to some calm melody. From time to time I read a book or watch a film, and can’t help but take a pencil and express my impressions in drawing.

I: It was very interesting. Thank you very much for your answers.

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered where creative people get their inspiration. And I was surprised when I learned that some are inspired by music. I learned something new, thank you for the interview. : )
